Wanted Angel - Sadie Moss Page 0,10

but the men all split up to check, leaving Sawyer alone with me in the living room. None of them said it out loud, but I’m pretty sure he’s supposed to be my bodyguard in case something goes wrong.

All of the men are on edge, and it’s keeping me on edge too, but as I pace around the living room, I can’t help but notice how Sawyer is watching me. There’s something churning in his amber eyes as his gaze tracks me—not like he’s worried for my safety, but like he’s trying to puzzle me out. Like I’m a puzzle that he’s finding harder to solve than he expected.

The others are all more relaxed by the time they get back, nodding at one another as they converge in the living room.

“We’re all secure,” Nix announces, flopping down onto the couch and running a hand through his tousled ash-brown hair. “I told ya, you know. I said that my place was going to be fine. It’s like Fort Knox up in here.”

“Forgive me for not taking you completely at your word,” Beck says dryly.

I kind of agree with him on that point, actually. I don’t think Nix would ever intentionally be so lazy that it puts me or his brothers in danger, but he might accidentally put us in danger as a result of his laziness. Like, I dunno, if he forgot to pay his electric bill or something, and his whole compound went dark. In any case, it’s good to have backup and several second opinions confirming that this place is truly safe.

Knight sits down on the couch next to Nix and gestures for me to come and sit with him. I haven’t figured out much of the sign language he shares with his brothers, but I can understand the basic, obvious gestures. With a wan smile, I walk over and sink onto the cushions. Nix and Knight press against me from either side, like they’re worried I’m cold and are trying to give me warmth.

“Hey, Trin. You feeling all right?” Remi asks me, his voice warm and soft.

I nod. “Yeah. I’m okay.” Given the circumstances, anyway. I’m physically fine, just rattled.

“With Ford’s unique solution of collapsing the whole tunnel, it’s a wonder the poor thing’s not more upset,” Sawyer notes, arching a brow as he leans against the arm of another couch. The scars on his face shift a little with the movement.

Ford glares at him, nostrils flaring. I can tell he’s still amped up from the fight, although he doesn’t seem to be limping badly anymore. “Maybe if you hadn’t pissed off the one witch who has the power to curse you and make it fuckin’ stick, you fuckin’ idiot, we would’ve had an easier time with her and gotten outta there faster.”

Sawyer crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes. “If you had a better idea, there were ample opportunities to say so. Or are you just angry that you don’t have the same connections in the magical world that I do?”

Knight signs something at the two brothers that makes them glare at him. The silent man smirks, looking smug, and I have no doubt that whatever he just said, it was snarky as heck.

Ryland doesn’t look amused by any of it. He turns toward one of the doorways leading to another part of the house. “I’m going to see what being demon-marked entails and how we can prevent it. The rest of you, behave.”

Beckett, without even saying anything, follows him. They just sort of fall in together and work side by side like that. I’ve noticed it several times since Ryland joined us, and it makes me ache inside—because despite all of that, they still look at each other with barely disguised anger. I don’t know what caused the rift between them, but it’s obviously deeply entrenched.

“Do you think they’ll really find anything?” I ask Remi, who’s headed into the massive kitchen around the corner. Nix’s house is huge, to say the least. He could host dozens of people in here comfortably. But usually it’s just him and has been for some time. Before the guys and I barged in here asking for his help with the demonic portals, I don’t know how long it’d been since his last visitor.

“If anyone could,” Remi calls over his shoulder to reassure me, “it’s those two. They won’t stop until they’re satisfied.”

Knight gets up and follows Remi, apparently hungry. A moment later, Nix heaves himself up from the couch, stretching and

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