Wanted (Amanda Lance) - By Amanda Lance Page 0,80

he couldn’t find them in here, Wallace found all of our artificial documents in my cabin. Even when we do make port, it will take a considerable amount of time to return home without those documents. Of course that’s a better case scenario. Changi Prison is obviously not one of the best.”

We heard the sound of cackling and voices down the hall. Charlie rose to stand by my side, but after glancing down the corridor, Ben motioned for him to sit back down.

As Charlie and I looked at each other, Ben ducked his head back in the room and smiled. “It seems Polo is having trouble trying to convince our stewards to comply with the search. Why don’t you go help motivate?”

“Nobody follows captain’s orders?”

Ben laughed. “It seems not when they’re ambiguous and repetitive. We’re sending them on a search and they have no idea what they’re looking for.”

“I ain’t leavin’.” Abruptly, his eyes were on me then, no longer asking permission. Telling me he would stay forever if he had to.

“I’m certain it will only take a moment.”


“Go on. I promise I won’t go anywhere.” I smiled as best I could, but I had the feeling he could see through it.

“See, there you are!”

I gazed back at Charlie while Ben Walden pretended to check his watch. It’s okay, I mouthed.

Charlie blinked rapidly and rose, his glare now focused on Ben. “You stay here with her.” He pointed his finger at each party as if to make the command more clear. Ben nodded firmly, but then turned back to me and winked.

As Charlie’s footsteps echoed away from me, I felt cold reality seep in. Wallace was deadset on causing serious damage, not only to Charlie, but to Ben and the rest of the guys as well. He had subjected himself to living in a shipping container just to exact revenge. I feared whatever he had in mind was going to be momentously worse than just leaving them deserted in Singapore and causing their criminal enterprise to take a dive.

“Don’t worry about him.” As Ben Walden walked into the cabin his face relaxed somewhat, but his posture remained rigid. For a moment I wondered if we were playing cards again. He looked at the abused crate with its open handles before dragging it over to the side of the bed, then using it as a chair.

“Once he settles down, he’ll start thinking properly. Hopefully at that point, we can figure out what to do.” He removed his glasses again and rubbed the space between his eyes.

“Why is he doing this?” I stared down at my hands in dismay.

My question clearly intrigued Ben Walden. He looked at me and leaned against the wall, his hands folded over his knee.

“Because he adores you.”

My head shot up. Simultaneously my heart forgot to beat. “That, um—I meant—” I swallowed hard, though my mouth felt dry. I wanted more water, but I was much too shy to ask. “Why does Wallace hate you enough to do this?”

“I’m afraid this entire trip has been an ongoing disaster.” He sighed. “I don’t know if Charlie Boy made you aware of this or not, but we weren’t even supposed to take that final truck. It was a last minute decision perpetrated by Wallace.”

I dug at the imaginary dirt under my nails. How could I forget that first demonstration of Charlie’s temper? It was almost a happy memory, knowing how it would lead to the others. But what also amazed me was the coincidence. Charlie had never meant to be at that rest stop. I marveled at the sheer idea of it. What were the odds that he should have been there? What were the odds that I should have been there? In a way it was comical; without Wallace insisting on that final stop, I may never have known Charlie at all.

“This is my fault.” The words were so soft I hardly even heard myself say them. “If I had just minded my own business that night…” I tried to laugh. “Charlie should have just let him kill me.”

“You can’t say that.” Ben Walden leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. He stared me down now, only this time he wasn’t playing. “I mean it, young lady. Or if you do, don’t ever let Charlie Boy hear it. He’ll tear the limbs from anyone he thinks put the idea in your head.”

This was the Ben Walden that reflected the thieving and smuggling ring Charlie was a part

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