Wanted (Amanda Lance) - By Amanda Lance Page 0,17

the men were downstairs doing something that was of relative value. More importantly however, it didn’t sound like it concerned me and I had a unique opportunity to evaluate my physical situation. Since I was alone, I could attempt escape and try to search for help. It was risky, but despite the agreement made, I had no intention of staying in that house for a moment longer than I possibly had to. If there was even the slightest chance I could be home by tonight, then I was going to take it.

With more freedom for my hands, I worked my fingers against the bungees, pulling to get the knots free. It didn’t accomplish much, as my fingers were much too soft against the frayed material, and it stung painfully on both my calves and fingers when I tried to break it. I looked around but saw nothing remotely sharp enough that would slice through. I knew I had nothing in my bag that would be helpful, and I didn’t have to guess if these guys had any useful cutlery in this room as they definitely didn’t appear to be the cooking type.

So I tugged and pried at the heavy knots. In a way it was kind of funny. Robbie or Dad would have probably gotten through this in about a minute. While I could quote Shakespeare, tell you the difference between a Rembrandt and Caravaggio, and speak a little Chinese (I emphasize the word ‘little’), I had no basic knowledge of any survival skills that had the potential to literally save my life at this moment in time.

“Ain’t no point in that.” I had been so distracted by my efforts I had forgotten to listen for anyone coming. At first the realization that I was no longer alone frightened me, but when I looked to the doorway and saw Charlie there, completely covered in soot and ash, I actually felt relieved.

I pinched my nose shut. “What is that terrible smell?” He came over towards me and shooed my hands away from the bungees, answering my question at the same time. I struggled against him, but not being particularly eager to get him angry, I gave up.

“Were you rolling in sulfur?”

He sighed. “No.” His voice was tight.

I started to laugh at the baked-in flakes of ash and something else in his hair. It reminded me of the many years Robbie dressed as a hobo for Halloween because he didn’t want to put any effort into a costume.

Despite everything else, I felt better that he was no longer wearing the holster with the guns. I wondered where they were, but as long as they weren’t near me, I decided it didn’t much matter. Seeing him ridiculously filthy also helped ease my apprehension, which may explain why I reached my hand out to shake the flakes of dirt from his head. I understood now that they were mostly rust and some kind of powder. But it wasn’t this that made me pause; it was my surprise at how soft the texture of his hair really was and how much I enjoyed the feel of it.

He was equally surprised, shooting his head up from securing my bonds to stare his eyes into mine. How quickly his chest seemed to rise and fall. I was beginning to wonder if I made him nervous.

“What were you doing down there?” I pulled my hand away from him like he was a lit flame. He gulped and then shook his head, blinking several times. It was almost as though he were waking from a deep dream.

“Better if you don’t know.” His voice was quiet, sleepy even.

“You smell really bad.”

“I know.”

“I have to use the bathroom.”


“And my foot is asleep.”


It amazed me the way he took considerable care not to touch me while he untied the binds around my legs. Unlike when he originally tied my wrists, he took his time, his fingers gingerly working at the bungee cord so he wouldn’t have to make physical contact with me. This couldn’t have been easy for him. I was so excited at the prospect of standing up that I persistently tapped the toes on the foot that was still awake. The second I was free, I sprung up like a jack-in-the-box, completely forgetting about my useless foot and nearly falling over from trying to balance myself. Before my reflexes could even respond, Charlie effortlessly caught me by my elbows and pulled me back to standing.

I laughed. “Thanks. I guess no

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