Wanted (Amanda Lance) - By Amanda Lance Page 0,110

or Ben.”

“It isn’t that, Addie.”

“Then what is it? Have you changed your mind about me?”

He scoffed. “You kiddin’ me? What’d you think I’m doing here? I couldn’t hardly stand to stay away another day without seein’ you, even if it was from faraway. But Addie, since you met me, I’ve nearly gotten you killed a bunch of a times. Seems like the more I love you, the more danger you’re gonna end up being in. My instincts were right.” He swallowed hard, pushing his forehead against mine as he closed his eyes. “I ain’t no good for you.”

I tangled my arms around his neck and carefully considered what to say. Briefly, I wished for the meager physical strength to keep him captive in my room. And while I didn’t think he would object much, I wanted him willingly. Still, he seemed so certain. And it occurred to me that the wrong response could send him right out the window and out of my life for good.

“I’m not exactly big on trusting instinct.” I sighed, searching my head for the right words. “But it seems like if you want to trust your instincts, then you should follow your first one and go with it.”

Charlie pulled away enough to gaze at me curiously. I saw the faint shadow of a Charlie smile outlining his lips, making it that much more difficult to concentrate.

“You knew you loved me right away? And that cliché ‘always go with your gut feeling’? You might as well go with it, Charlie, because I’ve already made my choice. So far I’ve been pretty good at making my own decisions, and I’m not changing my mind. I understand the consequences that come with being in your life, I’ll deal with them—”

“Maybe you can deal with ‘em, but I can’t. I rather not have you and know you’re alive than be responsible for something bad happening to you.”

I pulled away, crossing my arms over my chest to keep the pain out. Crossing to the other side of the room, I tried to keep my shoulder back and my neck long. I thought if I didn’t make this threat sound legitimate, he might call my bluff, either way he would know how desperate I truly was.

“There aren’t many choices here, Charlie. You can leave, not tell me where you’re going, but I’m just going to come after you. I’ll apply for a passport, go to the port of Singapore—”

“You wouldn’t dare—”

“Ben’s house is somewhere in Healdsburg, California. If you aren’t there and Elise and the guys don’t tell me where you are, I’ll just wait there until you show up. Or if I get impatient, maybe I’ll just start exploring some ports on my own.”

“You ain’t bein’ funny,” he snarled.

I turned quickly, somewhat surprised to find him directly behind me. “I’m not trying to be. You tried to get rid of me once, Charlie. It won’t work a second time.”

He took me by the shoulders roughly, as though he were literally trying to shake the sense into me, though I wouldn’t, couldn’t be dissuaded. I knew what I wanted and it was right in front of me. As far as I was concerned, it was a done deal.

“Stop bein’ so damn stubborn. Your gonna ruin your life.”

“Weren’t you the one who said all or nothing? Well I want all or nothing, Charlie.” I pushed his hands back and brushed my thumb against the new scar on his brow. “And you’re all I want.”

Charlie leaned into my touch, and his expression relaxed as he closed his eyes. “You’re too much for me.”

I tried not to seem too arrogant in my smile. “Then accept your fate.”

“Just promise me you won’t do nothin’ stupid.”

“Promise me you’ll stick around.”

He tensed again. “Damnit.”

“Adam Harpsten is still in charge of my case. He updates Dad constantly, and still seems to think you were involved somehow. The next time you guys steal something, I just have to look for an explosion within a few hundred miles—”

He pulled me tighter and I could see a smile beginning to unfold. “This is extortion.”

“I prefer ‘happy shakedown.’”

Charlie smile bloomed into a full on Charlie grin. “Nothin’ but trouble.”

I planted the ski cap back on his head, overwhelmed with the joy and relief at having him here in my arms, his promise that he would stay. Could I have been dreaming still?

“You know, I was just dreaming about you,” I imitated.

“Oh, yeah?” He kissed my collarbone.

“Yep.” I outlined the serpent with my fingertip then kissed it.

“What did you dream?”

“I dreamt that we lived happily ever after, of course.”

He smiled at me skeptically but I could see all of the love and admiration he held for me written there on his face, sketched as clearly as anything he’d draw himself.

“Sure.” His eyes rolled.

Whatever his doubts were, I could convince him. I would show him just like he had shown me the other side of the world and back. And regardless of how difficult it was bound to be, I had no intention of giving up on him or the feelings we harbored for each other.

“Just you wait and see, Charlie Hays.” I kissed him until we were both dizzy. “Just you wait and see.”


It might be awesome to say I did this all on my own, but then my pants would spontaneously catch fire. So let me give a special thanks to the wonderful Limitless Publishing team: especially Jessica Gunhammer and Jennifer O’Neill—a mother-daughter force to be reckoned with! Additional thanks to my author friends, the bloggers, and everyone else I spammed about this project. Without your support none of this would have been possible.

My eternal appreciation goes to my very patient editor Toni Rakestraw for all of her hard work and dedication. Enormous gratitude also to Eden Crane Designs for creating the face of Wanted, you guys are awesome.

Thank you to Karlyn Thayer whose critiques remain a source of inspiration.

All my love to Scottie, Mom, Kyle, Grandma, Grandpa…and all the other lovely people and dogs in my life I ignore for my writing. Thanks for understanding and please know I make no promise for self-improvement.

About the Author

A native of New Jersey and lifelong nerd, Amanda Lance recently completed her Master in Liberal Arts at Thomas Edison State College after her BA in English Literature and AFA in creative writing. As an avid reader of all genres, some of her favorite authors include Hemingway, Marquis de Sade, Stevenson, Bukowski and Radcliffe.

When she isn’t writing or reading, Amanda can found indulging in film noir or hiking with her other half and their extremely spoiled dog. She is obsessively working on her next book and trying to tame her caffeine addiction.”

Twitter: @alance07

Website and Blog: http://amandalance.com/

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/2729851-amanda-lance

Amazon Author Page: Coming Soon

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18


About the Author

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