Want You to Want Me - Lorelei James Page 0,36


“See you in sixty. Ta.”

Dial tone.

“Okay. That . . .”

“Went better than I’d anticipated.” Nolan pocketed his phone and stood. “I need to make a couple of calls. Sam, my PA, will fill you in on the LCCO event and I’ll be out shortly.”

For the first time since I’d stormed in here, it occurred to me that maybe I should’ve waited until the end of the business day to approach Nolan for help. He had a high-pressure job. Who was I to barge in and expect him to ditch all his responsibilities and take me shopping?

God. Sometimes I was so damn self-involved.

I stood and walked over to the front of his desk.

He’d already taken his seat and was on his computer. His eyes scanned the screen, but he spoke to me. “Don’t get cold feet now, Gabriella. It’s a done deal. You waffling and feeling guilty will just piss me off. So head out and talk to Sam. He’s waiting.”

Wow. Brusque businessman wasn’t a side I’d seen of this man. What did it mean that I found his large-and-in-charge persona . . . seriously hot?

Means your sense of relief is making you delusional that your attraction is mutual.

I exited his office.

Sam, a sharp-dressed man around my age, had already pulled a chair up opposite his desk. “You are an angel for helping with this event, Gabriella.”

“Most people call me Gabi.”

He frowned. “Nolan knows that?”

“Yes. He insists on using my full name.”

“Hmm. Usually he’s not so contrary.”

“Yeah. Usually he’s much worse.”

Sam laughed. “No comment. I am curious how you and the boss man know each other.”

“I work for Jax at Lakeside. I’m a hockey coach and program coordinator.”

“Wait. You’re the infamous Coach Welk?”

I rolled my eyes. “Infamous. Typical. What has Lund been saying about me?”

“Nolan hasn’t said much. Mimi, however, believes you’re secretly hiding a superhero cape under your hockey jersey. You’re her coach, right?”

“Yes. I love that kid. It’s hard to keep a straight face with some of the questions she asks.”

“I hear ya. I swear everyone knows when she’s in this twenty-two-story building. She insists on visiting her favorite uncle and I get a kick out of seeing her. Kids are just so . . . pure.”

“Until they hit twelve with all the hormones and they’re pure evil. Anyway, what do you need from me?”

I started paperwork while he explained the goal of the event. When he finished talking, I said, “This is an awesome way for older kids to actually see the positives of adults who’ve been through what they’re going through now, living on their own terms.”

“Every little bit of hope helps. Now all I need is to get the L covered in LGBTQ.”

“Low on lesbians?”

He nodded. “None of my lesbian acquaintances are comfortable interacting with a group of teens that hit all the letters, not just the L.”

“I might have a solution. You okay with a lesbian athlete?” I snickered. “She’ll tell you herself that she has no issue being a token.”

“God. Yes.”

I called my former teammate Mariah, putting her on speaker as I finished the paperwork.

She answered, “Gabi Welk. Please confess you’re calling because you broke it off with your boyfriend and you’ve been thinking dirty thoughts about me.”

“You’re too high maintenance for me, Mariah. And Tyson broke it off with me, but that’s another story.”

“Good! Then you should definitely come play for the other team on a trial basis. Not only do we have cookies on the dark side, we’ll eat yours.”

I laughed. “Damn, I miss you. But here’s a chance for us to see each other for a good cause. And BT-dubs, you’re on speaker.” BT-dubs? When did I start channeling Dallas Lund?

I’d barely ended my spiel when she said, “I’m in. These girls gotta hear there’s nothing wrong with likin’ ladies and their delicious lady bits.”

“You are da best, M. Is it all right if I give Sam, the coordinator, your contact info?”

“Sure. This Sam . . . is she hot?”

“He is listening in on this convo, but yes, he is hot. Wrong bits for you though, chickie.”

“Amy would get jealous anyway. Hey. Can she come too?”

I looked at Sam and he nodded.

“Of course. I gotta go. Thanks, and see you Saturday morning.”

Sam grinned at me. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Meet who?” Nolan asked.

“The woman who rounded out our alphabet soup,” Sam said. “Now I have to do actual work today instead of fretting about this LCCO event. Unless . . .” He spun in his chair to face Nolan. “I

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