Want You to Want Me - Lorelei James Page 0,122

a difficult person to love.”

My entire body stiffened but Dani held tight.

“That’s not to say you’re unlovable. You love unconditionally, but you put conditions on those of us who love you. What we’re allowed to do for you. What part of you we’re allowed to see. That is some one-sided bullshit right there. No one who loves you is gonna run away in fear if you show them that you need them. I promise.” She squeezed me and whispered, “This is what I’ve wanted, to give back the strength and love that you’ve always given me.”

I sniffled. “You forgot patience.”

“Yes! You’ve tried my patience for years, but it’s finally paid off.”

“I’ve tried your patience?”

Dani snorted. “Gotcha. Anyway, I’m here—you’re letting me be here for you. This is a big moment in my life.”

“I’m sorry. I’m so used to being the big—”

“Spoon?” she supplied. “It’s not so bad being the little spoon sometimes, is it?”

“No.” I swallowed hard. “So what’s your advice, big spoon?”

“For you to look at this crisis as if I came to you with this problem. If I’d busted my ass to get the job on my own merit, and some jealous wannabe made threats of going public with accusations of nepotism after I’d been awarded the position, but before the business side had been made public. Threats that could not only mar my career but cause issues between me, the man I love and his family. What would you tell me to do, sis?”

I didn’t hesitate for a second before I answered, “To march into that studio tomorrow morning and demand a meeting with the CEO and the president of Programming. I’d point out that not only wasn’t I involved with the acting CEO of Lund Industries at the time of my interview, it’s a moot point since a subsidiary purchased the media group—not Nolan Lund personally.”

“Good. And?”

“And I followed the rules they required as far as NDAs—the leak in their department is not my concern. I expect them to keep their word that the job is still mine.”

Dani laughed. “There you go.”

I elbowed her. “Brat.”

“Last thing. Nolan.” She paused. “You love him, right?”


“Then, again, I’ll give you the same advice you’d give me. Follow your dream. If it’s the job, then pursue it. If it’s a life with him, then pursue it. If you want both, you’ll have to work twice as hard and make some compromises. You both will. But you can make it happen, sis. I believe that. I believe in you. And if anyone deserves both, it is you.”

I turned my head and looked at her. “How’d you get so wise?”

“By watching and listening to you.”

“I love you, Dani girl.”

“Love you too, Gabi.” She sat up. “Now get yourself together, woman. We’ve got plans today.”

“We do?”

“Yep.” She stood in front of me and grabbed my hands. “None of that mani-pedi-pampering-spa-type crap. No retail therapy. No drunken karaoke. We’re doing what makes you happiest. What makes you whole. What makes you . . . you.”

More tears shimmered because this sweet, tough girl understood me better than I’d ever imagined. I opened my mouth to ask specifics, but she shushed me.

“Huh-uh. You gotta trust me.”

Did I?


I took her hands and let her pull me to my feet and out the door.

* * *

* * *

Dani took me to TRIA. The fact I’d been there two days in a row—in full hockey gear—didn’t escape anyone’s notice. Least of all Carly’s, the Whitecaps’ head coach. She skated over to me. “You rethinking my offer, Welk?”

“Maybe. I have something else going on as far as a career track that’s up in the air right now. I’ll tell you my decision just as soon as I can.”

“Fair enough. But why are you here?”

“To blow off some steam, get my head straight. This is what does it for me.”

We exchanged a look. As a fellow hockey player she understood and didn’t prompt me for more.

“Warm up. Pickup game starts in ten. Oh, and don’t go easy on these girls. They’ve gotta know what they’ll be up against with the other teams in the league.”

“Got it, Coach.”

I knew about half the players. Carly placed Dani and me on opposite teams and we grinned at each other in the face-off circle.

The game was as grueling as any regular hockey game, which boded well for this team. They were fierce competitors, and it was exhilarating to be on the ice with them.

Since most of these players had already had a full practice session

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