The Wall of Winnipeg and Me - Mariana Zapata Page 0,114

isn’t answering anyone’s calls or any fucking e-mails. He’s turned into Aiden—”

That immediately made my ears go hot. “Hey.”

“It’s completely unacceptable.”

I sucked in a breath and grinded my teeth, raising my hand up to stop him. “Stop it.” Yeah, I went for it. What was he going to do? Fire me? “Calm down. Chill out. Don’t yell in my face because I will slam the door shut in yours. I don’t know why neither one of them return your calls or your e-mails, so maybe think about that, huh? They’ll call you back when they want to call you back, but I wouldn’t call you back either if I was just going to get bitched at. And don’t talk shit about your clients in front of me. I don’t like it and it’s unprofessional.”

His face had progressively gotten redder with each word that came out of my mouth. A heavy vein in his neck had begun standing out at some point. “Do you understand how this works?” he asked carefully, crisply.

If he thought I was going to back down, he had another thing coming. Months ago, I would have kept my mouth shut and dealt with the fact he was technically my superior. He wasn’t anymore though. “You work for them, right?” I asked in a smart-ass tone.

“You don’t know anything,” he hissed.

What was the point in wasting my breath?

Was he shaking? “I don’t know what you did to get Aiden to marry you, but we should hash this out now,” Trevor kept going.

“You think I did something to marry him?” I scoffed, slightly panicking. Trevor had seen us together when I worked for Aiden; he had to have witnessed the lack of fireworks between us.

The jerk nodded in that way that said how much of an idiot he genuinely thought I was. “Are you pregnant?”

The “no” was so sharp and ready on my tongue that I almost didn’t catch it. It just about slipped from my lips from how pissed off I was at his ridiculous fucking assumption. What did he think I was?

A tramp. He thought I was a gold-digging tramp.

Of course that’s what he thought. Why wouldn’t he? I couldn’t imagine how many times Aiden must have made it clear how little he cared about my existence in the time we worked together.

The point was, I was still insulted. And I didn’t owe him shit, even if I wasn’t pregnant.

Biting down hard on my molars, I flashed him a crazy-person smile. “Does it matter?”

“Yes, it matters!” he barked, pointing at me as his ears turned red. I’d swear on my life there should have been steam coming out of them to perfect the moment. “He told me you two don’t have a prenup.” He literally gasped in outrage. “That was the second thing I told him he needed to have when I signed him. Wear a condom and sign a prenup—”

I raised an eyebrow at him, just letting him vent by that point.

“—and of all the women in the world—of all the women in the world—he marries you. In Vegas. In secret, and he doesn’t tell me. I’m trying to do what’s best for him.”

There’s really only so much you can take from someone who’s speaking so fast, whose voice turns so shrill, it reminds you of a chalkboard. “Then do what’s best for him. I’m not going anywhere, and you don’t need to understand what there is between us. You aren’t the only one who wants him to do well. So how about you worry about the things that really matter, like where he’s going to play next year, if you really want to stress about something your little peanut brain can’t understand.”

Trevor stared at me for a second, his throat expanding, nostrils flaring. “Peanut brain?”

“I’m done talking to you. I’ll definitely make sure to tell both of them you were here. Bye.” Just like that, I calmly shut the heavy door in the middle of him speaking. I hadn’t even slammed it. How was that for being a badass?

It took a second for me to realize just how draining that conversation had been. Sheesh. I honestly felt a little sick as I climbed the stairs back to my room.

I’d really never done anything to him. Not a single freaking thing besides be a smart-ass when he deserved it. Good grief.

Just as I was walking back to my bedroom, Zac’s door swung open and his face peeked at me from the crack, all big eyes, nose, Copyright 2016 - 2024