Wall Street Titan (Wall Street Titan #1) - Anna Zaires Page 0,31

as socially awkward as I was in my teens, but I’m enough of an introvert that a casual gathering with friends can tire me out. Just the thought of some big formal event makes me want to break out in hives, and I wouldn’t know how to begin making small talk with those investors of his.

I can talk to strangers about books, but that’s about it.

“Personality and interests?” Marcus appears to give it some thought as the waiter clears off the dishes and sets a dessert menu in front of each of us. “Yes, obviously, those are important too. I’d want her to be level-headed and reasonable, not a hothead. Also honest. Honesty and loyalty are very important to me.”

“Me too,” I say, nodding. “I think trust is key in any relationship.”

Marcus smiles. “I’m glad we agree on that.”

“What about interests?” I ask. “What do you like to do in your spare time?”

“I don’t have a lot of that, but I suppose I like collecting things, and I’m also into fitness. I enjoy challenging myself physically, so I do a couple of marathons and triathlons every year, and I train in mixed martial arts when I can.”

“Oh, wow.” That explains his athletic build—and confirms my overall impression of him. Marcus is indeed an extreme Type A, the kind of man who accomplishes more in a week than most people do in a lifetime. “That’s hardcore.”

“What about you?” he asks as I glance down at the dessert menu, more out of habit than any real interest. “Do you have any hobbies?”

“I like books,” I say sheepishly, looking up to meet his gaze. I wish I could tell him I’m into something cool and sporty, like skiing or rock climbing, but walking is my exercise of choice. The only time I run is when I have to catch the train. “When I’m not editing books, I’m usually reading them,” I elaborate when he continues looking at me. “I also like TV shows and movies. You know, pretty normal stuff. Oh, and cats. I love my cats, obviously.”

“Obviously,” he says, one corner of his mouth lifting in a smile. “I like books too, by the way. In fact—”

“Would you like some dessert?” the waiter asks, approaching our table, and I shake my head.

“I’m good, thanks.”

“None for me either, thank you,” Marcus tells the waiter.

“We’ll just take the check,” I say before he can slip away.

The waiter nods and disappears, and I turn to find Marcus watching me with a frown.

“In a hurry to leave?”

“No, but I figured you might be,” I say honestly. “Clearly, we don’t have a lot in common, and you’re a busy man, so…” My voice trails off as Marcus’s frown deepens.

“Emma, listen to me,” he begins, but before he can finish, the waiter returns and discreetly places a small black folder in the middle of the table. In a practiced move, I snatch up the folder and open it, quickly skimming the lines on the check to confirm that my portion is indeed what I expected.

“What are you doing?” Marcus asks as I reach into my wallet and take out twenty-eight dollars—the cost of my pizza appetizer, plus tax and tip.

I look up to find his blue eyes narrowed and his jaw set in a hard line.

“I always pay for myself,” I explain, putting the money into the folder. “I don’t think it’s right for my date to pay for me when I’m perfectly capable of buying my own meal.” I start to move the folder back to the middle of the table, but Marcus reaches across the table and catches my hand.

“Emma…” His grip on my fingers is gentle, but his eyes glint harshly as he says in an even tone, “I asked you to dinner, and I’m paying for it. End of story.”

My breathing speeds up at his touch, and it’s all I can do to say steadily, “I understand the custom, but I don’t feel comfortable with it. I prefer to pay my own way.”

A muscle ticks in his jaw. “Why? A dinner doesn’t mean you owe me. You don’t have to sleep with me just because I’m paying for your pizza.”

The ache between my thighs returns as his words bring up the images from my dream. “I know that.” My words come out strangled. His palm is warm and strong, keeping my hand pinned in place with no effort, and I feel like I’m burning up from the heat inside me. “It’s just my dating

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