Walk on the Wild Side - By Karl Edward Wagner Page 0,111

she rode Pandora’s face, shoving her clit against her nose.

Almost smothered, Pandora worked her tongue twirling around Rosalind’s clit and into her vagina. Her pussy was salty but sweet with juices. It excited her. She could feel her own pussy growing wet. She felt Rosalind come onto her mouth, almost choking her. After a brief spasm of ecstasy, Rosalind began to ride her face all the harder. Pandora’s cunt grew hotter and wetter. She tried to masturbate herself, but Rosalind’s legs restricted her arms, and she could not reach inside her skirt.

The second time Rosalind came was violent enough to trigger Pandora’s own orgasm.

Pandora sat up from the couch. The locket was closed.

Dr Walden was making a few notes. “Repressed sexual fantasies are common to all of us, and it’s not unusual for patients to experience them involving their therapist.

“Oh, would you like some coffee? You fell asleep for a moment there.”

“I’m all right.”

“Well, are you sure you can drive? I’ve written out a prescription here for something that will help you sleep at night. Most likely job worries and travel stress have created sleep deprivation, causing these repressed fantasies to emerge in REM sleep. Try these for a week. If they help, I’ll renew the prescription. If not, we may need to consider an antidepressant. In any event, don’t hesitate to call me at any time.”

“Thank you.” Pandora recovered her handbag from the floor beside the couch. There was a pair of lacy black panties lying beside her bag. She quickly slipped them into her bag as Dr Walden wrote out her prescription.

Derrick Sloane was at her door at six in the morning. Pandora pulled on her robe and let him in.

Derrick looked embarrassed. “You’d said to come around at six, and I hadn’t heard different. So. Here I am. Right on time. Are you feeling all right? Flu can be nasty. If you want to sit this one out, I can go wake up Mavis and let Doreen keep shop while we’re at the auction.”

“No. It’s just that my shrink gave me some sleeping pills. I’ll just get dressed. Would you please make the coffee?”

“Didn’t even know you saw a shrink.”

Derrick was familiar with her kitchen and had a cup waiting for her when Pandora finished dressing.

“Thanks. This will help. I can’t miss this auction.

Derrick made better coffee than Pandora could. He was taller than she was, in his twenties, well versed in antiques, and very well built. Ideal for lifting and loading heavy pieces at auctions and moving them about the shop. He was darkly handsome, and Pandora rather fancied him, but suspected he was gay. At least, he’d never made a move on her or the others at her shop, and Mavis was to die for.

It was a bright spring morning, and Pandora felt much better with the coffee. She had pulled on some faded blue jeans and scuffed Reeboks, a T-shirt advocating saving whales, and a denim jacket. Derrick had buttered toast for her, and she munched this as she carried her plastic mug to the van.

Derrick had on black Dockers, a Graceland T-shirt, and a light jacket of black leather. That would get hot once the sun was high. Pandora glanced at her watch. They were running a bit late, but should be there in fine time for the viewing.

Derrick moved the van along swiftly. Pandora admired his shoulders. Yes, they reached the pre-auction viewing with good time to spare. It was an 1880s farmhouse whose heirs wished to liquidate along with all properties, and Pandora knew for a fact that the house was a treasure trove.

Of course Stuart Reading was there, mingling with the other dealers and the mundanes. He sidled up to Pandora. He was a balding, sixty-something with a paunch and reek of pipe tobacco.

“Sorted out that lot of jewelry from the Beales’ estate yet? I see you’re wearing her locket.”


“Tilda Beale. You outbid me for the lot, inasmuch as I was only interested in a few of the pieces. I can offer you a very good price on the few I’m interested in. The jasper earrings?”

“Jade. Already sold.”

“Chrysolite, actually. Do you still have the necklace of carnelian and bloodstone? The matching earrings? Come, give me a good price and I won’t bid against you on that pokeberry-dyed spindle bed you have your eye on. And I do have a buyer in mind for them, so you can get the bed without my overbidding, and we’ll both profit.”

Reading peered at the

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