Waiting on a Cowboy - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,11

to her workplace in person to invite her to lunch.

She glanced at Tate, who immediately read her mind. “We’ll hook up later.”

That got an eyebrow raise from Clint, but he held his tongue, taking Tate’s veiled taunt in stride.

“Come by the cabin tonight,” Tate implored. He’d never spoken to her with such a need in his voice. “Please, Liz. We can’t leave things like this.”

“We’re seeing that rom-com movie tonight at seven thirty.”

She didn’t know anything about a date tonight. Clint had rolled his eyes when she mentioned she wanted to see that movie rather than whatever robot, blow-up-the-world thing he wanted to see. Again, he was trying to be nice and do what she wanted to do. Even if he hadn’t exactly asked her.

The frustration in Tate’s eyes and voice made her sympathy spike. Tate’s unusually serious gaze held hers. “We will talk about this. I’m not giving up twenty-five years of friendship or you.”

Startled he’d specifically say that last part, she cautioned herself against reading too much into it. Again.

Tate shot Clint a deadly glare and walked out the door.

Her stomach knotted watching him leave and not knowing if they’d ever get back to being what they used to be. Or to at least a more balanced friendship.

“Ready to go to lunch?”

Emmy walked out of the back to take over the front desk for her right on time. She stopped short at seeing Clint instead of Tate, gave Liz a confused look, then took a seat behind the counter and pretended not to pay attention to her and Clint.

“Let me just grab my purse from the office.”

He leaned over and kissed her on the head. “Take your time, babe.”

She headed for the office door, but turned back. For a split second she saw the anger on Clint’s face before he gave her another smile. She didn’t blame him for being upset when he found her with Tate. She wondered how to manage seeing one man and wanting another.

Not that she didn’t like Clint and think their relationship could turn into something more. For much of the past six weeks, that’s what she’d thought. Relationships had their ups and downs. Some more than others.

So they’d hit their first bump in the road. With Clint’s apology, she could get over it and move on.

She pulled her purse out of her desk drawer and headed back out to the lobby area. Emmy helped check in a new customer.

Clint scrolled on his phone but looked up when he heard her approach. “Ready to go?”

“Can’t wait.” She walked out of Zen Out ahead of him.

Steps away from the front door, he hooked his hand around the top of her arm and halted her beside him. He leaned into her. “What was he really doing here?” He pushed the words out through clenched teeth.

“He wanted to talk about what happened last night and why I’ve distanced myself from him.”

“I hope you made it clear it’s because you’re with me.” Clint made it clear he wanted to keep her all to himself.

She looked down at the grip he had on her arm. “You’re hurting me.”

His touch gentled but he didn’t let go. “Are you going to meet him later?”

“I . . .”

“It’s yes or no,” he snapped.

She put her hand over his on her arm. “Clint,” she implored. “I’ve explained many times that Tate is a friend.”

“I know you want him to be more.”

“I did once, but I know that’s never going to happen. He doesn’t see me as a desirable woman.” Her chest ached admitting that. “You and I are something different than what I have with Tate. Before, Tate’s and my relationship was very close. We knew everything about each other.”

“Yeah, he just loved pointing out that you like vanilla, not chocolate shakes.”

“That’s because he came to all my birthday parties where we celebrated with shakes instead of cake.”

His head snapped back. “You don’t like cake?”

“I do. I just like vanilla shakes more.” She turned to face him. “I’ve known Tate forever. You and I have only been dating for a couple months. We’re just getting to know each other. I learn something new about you every time we’re together and vice versa. It takes time to get to know all the little things about a person.”

He cupped his hand at her neck, his thumb skimming her jaw. “I want to know everything about you.” The sincerity and urgency in his eyes made her smile.

“We’ll work on that.”

“You’re not ending this?”

“Why would you

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