Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,98

in her hands.

“Also looks like he’d only been in Vancouver a few days. Suitcase was still packed, passport showed he went through customs not long ago.” Mitch paused. “Ryan, he had a copy of a Seattle newspaper with a picture from your press conference on the front page.”

“Shit,” Ryan muttered.

“He also had some papers about a pharmaceutical company here in Canada. Gray-something or other. Simone’s trying to con the detectives into sharing some of their info with her. The woman is a bloodhound.”

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Ryan fought back the frustration. And the fear. “I want you guys out of Vancouver.”

“We should be on a flight home tonight. Police have a few more questions for us, but I wanted to give you a heads up.”

“Thanks,” Ryan said. “Stay safe coming back.”

“Will do. I’ll call you when we know more.”

The line clicked dead. Without waiting for a response, Ryan stood and drew Kate into his arms. Tension radiated from her body. Her face pressed into his chest, her hands against his biceps. His skin tingled under her touch, and he itched to take away all her worries.

He knew he couldn’t.

Resting his chin on the top of her head, he closed his eyes. How could he explain any of this to her when he still didn’t know what was really happening? When he didn’t know yet who was behind it? If she knew what he suspected, he was afraid she’d bolt. And he couldn’t let her do that. Not until he knew how she felt about him.

They were growing closer. She felt something for him. Something he hoped was love. He needed to tell her what he knew—soon—but he couldn’t risk it yet. And he wanted to find some answers first.

“I don’t want to know anymore.”

Her muffled voice tore at him. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

She pushed out of his arms. “I never liked him. Walter was never nice to Reed. I didn’t understand why. Now I know it’s because he knew Reed wasn’t his grandson. But even knowing he was somehow involved in all of this, I wouldn’t want him dead.” Her voice broke. “I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.”

“I know.” He reached for her hand. “It’s not your fault.” In his heart, he hoped to God it wasn’t his fault, either.

“I need to leave.”

He tightened his grasp. “No way.”

“I don’t want anything to happen to you, or the kids because of me.”

The muscles in his chest tightened. She had no idea what losing her would do to him. “You walk out on me now and I’ll just track you down and bring you back.”

Her eyes slid closed. “This is never going to work, Ryan.”

“Don’t pull that on me again, either.”

“I don’t know what to think or feel about you. When I’m with you, I feel like I’ve known you forever. Then reality sets in, and I realize how crazy this whole thing is. A few days ago, you couldn’t even stand to be in the same room with me.”

He grasped her other hand, lacing his fingers with hers, drawing her attention back to his face. “That’s not true. I wanted to be close to you so much it hurt, and I didn’t know how to get there.”

When her eyes softened, he drew her nearer. “And you do know me. Your body does. Your heart does. It’s just your head that’s being stubborn. It always was,” he added playfully. “That’s nothing new.”

Her body shivered under his touch. He trailed his lips across her temple. She had no idea what he’d do for her.

“This is happening way too fast for me. I don’t know how to control it. I’m scared,” she whispered.

Scared was good. It meant what she was feeling was real. That there was hope. He slid his arms around her waist, felt her breasts press against his chest, felt the soft sway of her hips against his own. “You’ve never been able to control it. Neither have I. What’s happening between us started a long time ago. You can’t stop it anymore than I can.”

When her fingers tightened on his shoulders, he bent and brushed his lips over hers. Her soft moan made his stomach muscles clench, sent his heart soaring. He wasn’t about to let her walk away until he knew she loved him even a fraction as much as he loved her.

And by then, he hoped she’d never want to leave. No matter what.


The first rays of dawn slanted through the open

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