Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,72

back of your fridge.”

“You—” She eased back onto her heels and laughed.

“Now you’re laughing at me? Great. My manhood is shot.”

“It’s not you,” she said between giggles. “It’s this. All of it. This entire situation is completely nuts.”

“Tell me about it. And what the hell are you doing coming down here when you hear a suspicious noise anyway? We need to have a chat about you not being the too-stupid-to-live horror-movie chick.”

She shot him a look. “While we’re at it, we’ll discuss your caveman tendencies.”

He rubbed his ribs. “Damn, you hit hard.”

“Here, let me look at it.”

He pushed her hands away when she reached for the hem of his shirt. “What are you, a doctor now too? No way.”

“I’m not gonna hurt you.”

“You already did that.” He shifted out of her reach.

“You’re being a total baby. Just let me have a look.”

He deflected her touch once more.


“Simone,” he tossed back, staring at her.

There was just enough light coming from the panty that she could see the intensity in his eyes. “Why won’t you let me touch you?”

“Because you said it wasn’t a good idea. These are your rules, not mine, sweetheart.”

“I don’t—”

“Understand? Yeah. I get that. So let me spell it out for you.” He dragged a hand through his hair. “If you touch me, I’m gonna touch you back, how about that?”

“Oh.” Her skin grew hot. Her hands stilled on her knees. The temperature in the room seemed to jump ten degrees as they stared at each other. Sparks of awareness arced between them.

What was it about him that called to her? It was more than his good looks. More than his silly sense of humor. It was something else. Something she wasn’t ready for.

Long seconds later, he broke the eye contact, then grunted as he pushed himself up from the floor. All long legs and sculpted muscle. “Yeah, you know, I’m just gonna clean up the mess I made.”

She rose, reached out to him. “Mitch—”

He captured her wrist so fast, she didn’t expect it. Heat gathered beneath his fingers, and when he turned to face her, she saw the hunger in his eyes. A hunger that radiated all through her body and lit up her skin like an electrical current had been turned on.

“Okay, here’s the deal, Counselor. I’m crazy about you. In a way I’ve never been crazy about anyone else. Ever. I realize you’re representing my sister. I realize I’m a conflict of interest to you. But if you touch me again, I’m gonna forget all about your irritating ethics and take you right here against the cabinets. No ED drugs needed. And trust me when I say, you will enjoy it. We both will.”

The air choked in her throat. Desire coursed through her body. A desire she hadn’t felt in years. The carefully constructed life she’d created since Steve’s death hovered as if on a precipice.


A muscle twitched in his jaw. “Yeah?”

“Kiss me before I have a chance to say no.”

His mouth was on hers before she even heard him move.


Water beaded on Kate’s skin. Bubbles slid down to pool at her feet. She closed her eyes and drew in the fresh, clean, soapy scent, the same one that lingered close to Ryan’s skin, the one she’d smelled when he’d pressed that muscular body of his against hers last night.

She turned her face under the hot spray in his guest bathroom. After a sleepless night, she was more exhausted than she’d been yesterday. Had he slept in that guest bed recently? She’d been sure she could smell him on her pillow, all but feel him on the sheets.

The muscles in her stomach bunched as she ran the bar of soap down her skin, over her abdomen, imagining his hands doing the same…his lips. A sharp ache pulsed between her thighs. Heat shot straight to her center.

He’d said he wanted her, that he’d been dying to touch her. But that was before they’d discovered her records at the nursing home, before he’d realized what this was all about. Since then, he’d been gentle and caring but somewhat withdrawn. Almost as if he were afraid to get too close.

Her fingers skimmed her breasts, and shards of desire ricocheted through her body. For some crazy reason, she didn’t want him to back off. What she wanted was his hands on her like they’d been before, that sensuous mouth devouring hers, to feel him deep inside her body. That burning ache grew to fiery levels as she imagined him

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