Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,68

looking for answers.” He glanced over at her again. “She’s been through enough, and I didn’t want to worry her, but I didn’t tell her everything.”

“Why doesn’t that statement leave me feeling all tingly inside?”

Ryan turned so the girls couldn’t hear him. “Jacob McKellen was pissed when Tabofren was pulled. He’d invested a good chunk of his own money into the R&D. He showed up here and about took my head off when he found out we decided to bag it. Told me he’d find a way to get it approved with or without my help. I brushed him off. Mitch” —he leaned forward— “two weeks later, Annie was gone.”

“Oh, shit.”

“It gets worse. I heard through the grapevine a few years ago that there were some clinical studies of a drug similar to Tabofren going on in Canada. They don’t have a watchdog group like the FDA up there. It’s easier to get government approval there, and when a company has the data, it’s easy to slip it in under the radar here in the US if you know the system. If a company can prove the drug is safe and works, the FDA will open it up for consideration.”

“You think he was testing it on his own?”

Sickness and a good dose of guilt swept through Ryan. “I don’t know. But that’s my hunch. I think he was using the nursing home as his test facility, then exporting the data to a Canadian company. We need to find the nurse who’s listed in Annie’s chart—”

“Kate’s chart,” Mitch cut in.

“Yeah,” Ryan said quickly. “Maybe she knows who McKellen was working with on this.”

“You two done whispering?” Simone set her wineglass on the bar and popped the cork out of the half-empty bottle of Merlot. One glance told Ryan Annie had stepped out of the room.

“We’re just bragging about our sex lives.” Mitch winked her way. “I got Ryan beat.”

Simone refilled her glass, slanted him a look. “Two middle-aged men talking about their conquests. There’s a shocker. Ryan, your company doesn’t happen to sell any of those nifty erectile dysfunction drugs, do they?”

“No, sorry. I can set you up with someone who does, though, if you’re in need.”

Simone shot Mitch a wicked grin. “There’s this guy who’s been trying to get me to go out with him. But I’m a little worried about his staying ability.”

“You’re both hilarious,” Mitch cut in. “And, sweetheart, anytime you want to go for a test drive, just let me know.”

Simone laughed, the sound easing the knot in Ryan’s chest, if even for a moment. “I’m pretty sure that’ll never happen. But I am glad to see you two are on speaking terms again.”

“Ryan can’t stay mad at me,” Mitch said. “I’m the only friend he’s got.”

“Yeah, like that’s true.” Ryan turned his attention toward Simone. “Any chance you can swing staying at Annie’s tonight?”

“You mean Kate’s?” Her gaze cut to Mitch.

“Yeah. I don’t want her out there all by herself.”

“I have Shannon. She’s with a sitter at home. Kate and Reed could come to our house, I guess.”

Annie reemerged from the bathroom, and they all fell silent.

“Quick,” she said stepping up to them at the bar, working for a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Change the subject. She’s back in the room.”

Mitch draped his arm around Annie’s shoulder, the move so casual, so comfortable, Ryan ached to be able to do the same. “So far we’ve covered sex and drugs. Rock-n-roll’s the next topic on the list. Pick a group.”

A grin spread across her face. One that tightened Ryan’s chest. He’d missed that and so much more these last five years.

“No?” Mitch raised a brow. “Okay, how about sleeping arrangements. Take your pick. You can have Simone, me, or Ryan.”

Her gaze darted from face to face, finally settling on Ryan. His heart bumped under those watchful eyes, and heat pooled in his gut. He’d give anything to have her come home with him.

“You guys aren’t serious, are you?”

“Afraid so.” Mitch sighed. “Consensus is you shouldn’t be alone.”

“I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

“Kate,” Simone said. “You’ve had a stressful day. Just humor us for tonight.”

“I have Reed to think about.”

“He and Julia are with Mom and Dad,” Mitch told her. “They’re probably swimming in the hotel pool or raiding the minibar. Trust me, he’s fine.”

She bit her lip. Tension flowed from her body, and when she reached up to rub her head, Ryan’s fingers itched to slide into that mass of curly

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