Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,37

the next possibility. In the meantime, I’m going to keep hounding that doctor in Houston who’s listed on Kate’s medical records and try to find some answers there. Kate also mentioned her father in law—Walter Alexander—who seems to have disappeared just after his son died. I want to track him down as well.”

Simone caught the fire in Ryan’s eyes. Fire that said it was a good thing Jacob Alexander was already dead. Simone understood his rage and frustration, but of more importance to her was Kate, and making sure Kate had what she needed to get through the next few days in one piece.

“So what now?” Ryan asked.

“Well, that’s really up to you and Kate,” Simone answered. “She isn’t asking for anything at this point. She needs some time to absorb it all, but I’m sure she’ll be contacting you shortly. She’s not asking for any sort of legal visitation with Julia, if that’s what you’re concerned about. She’s expressed a strong desire to get to know Julia, which I’m sure you’re aware of, but I think you two need to try to work that out on your own before bringing in legal representation. I think the next step is notifying your parents, Mitch, asking them for blood samples, just to verify the whole thing.”

Mitch nodded. Simone glanced between the two, wishing she could do something, anything to make this easier on them. Knew, unfortunately, that she couldn’t.

She pushed away from the desk and stepped forward, indicating the meeting was pretty much over. “You’re welcome to take those reports. I don’t suspect they’ll help much now, but maybe they will in the future.”

Ryan thanked her, turned and looked at Mitch, who was still seated. “I’ll see you outside.”

When they were alone, Mitch looked up at her. “What’s this investigation about?”

“If it were you, wouldn’t you want to know what happened?”

He shook his head, glanced down at the report still in his hands. “I get Ryan’s anger and his need to know and all. I’m as angry as he is about the fact she was taken from us. But this…it just seems like a wild-goose chase.”

“It could be. We’re taking it one step at a time. In the meantime, it makes Kate feel like she’s doing something, like she has some control over her life. I think she needs that right now.”

“How’d she take it?” he asked quietly.

“Not well. She knew before I said it, though, just like Ryan did. They have a lot to work through.”

He glanced back at the closed door. “I don’t know how to make this easier for him.”

“Just be there for him. It’s about to get sticky, Mitch.”

His gaze locked on hers. Then his eyes widened. “Oh, hell. The boy.”

“You know?”

“I didn’t, until just now.” His eyes slid shut. “I saw a photo on her desk. Shit.” He told her about the visit to Kate’s office only days before. “I didn’t put two and two together until right now. Things have been so…crazy. God Almighty.” He rubbed his forehead. “I thought things were bad before.”

“You can’t say anything to Ryan. She’s going to tell him. She needs a little time to figure out how. We have to let them work through this on their own.”

“I’m torn on this one, Counselor. She’s my sister, and I love her, whether she remembers me or not. But he’s, by every right, my brother, and I love him too. And he needs me.”

That revelation touched her in a way she didn’t expect. She crouched in front of him, her fingertips gently brushing his cheek. “You’re doing the right thing already. I’m sorry you’re stuck in the middle of all this. Can I do anything?”

He looked up, and that sexy grin spread across his face. The one that brought out that deep dimple that did insane things to her pulse. “You could have dinner with me.”

Oh, but she wanted to. “I can’t, Mitch. Not so long as I’m representing Kate.”

His eyes locked on hers. She saw the same disappointment she felt reflected there. “I want you to tell her to find another attorney, for my own sake, but I can’t. She needs you. She needs someone on her side.”

“She’s got all of us on her side.”

“Yeah, but Ryan…” He looked to the door. “I have a feeling this is gonna get bad before it gets better.”

Unfortunately, Simone had a sinking suspicion he was right.


Ryan checked the address he’d finagled from Annie’s secretary and glanced at the small, two-story cottage along the

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