Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,12

water. Darkness that suddenly mirrored his sinking mood.

“My point is,” she went on, “you don’t seem to enjoy any of the benefits you have from the work you do, so I’m curious why you’re pushing so hard to expand AmCorp.”

“I have my own reasons.” And he’d be damned if he was going to explain them to her or anyone else.

“But what’s the point if it’s not making a difference in your life?”

His gaze cut to her. “You’re one to talk. You’re as dedicated to this company as I am.”

“Sure I am, but I also have a life outside the office. You don’t.”

His jaw clenched again. Any enjoyment he’d had in the meeting earlier had trickled away. He didn’t need her blunt realism smacking him in the face. “My private life is none of your business.”

Tension floated in the air as she stared at him. Their relationship was professional yet friendly, and they shared not only a love of this company but a mutual admiration. However, she’d just crossed a line—a big one—and they both knew it.

Long seconds passed in silence. Finally, she set her water on the table, then stood and retrieved her papers. “You’re right,” she said as she reached for her briefcase. “I’m sorry. I was out of line. I’m flying to Denver Monday morning, so I’ll be around this weekend if something comes up.”

Shit. Now he felt like an ass. But dammit, his personal life was just that—personal.

The knock on the door had them both looking over as Mitch peeked into the room. “You planning on sleeping here tonight or what? Hey, Hannah.”

“Hey, Mitch.” A weak smile tugged at her mouth as she finished gathering her things.

One glance at the clock told Ryan it was already after seven. He tossed his reading glasses onto the papers littered across his desk and scrubbed both hands over his face. “I didn’t realize it was so late. We were just finishing up.” He dropped his hands. “What are you doing here?”

“I thought I’d come rescue you.” Mitch tipped up his blue Mariner’s baseball cap. Unruly curls peeked out from beneath the hat. He dropped into a leather chair opposite Ryan’s massive mahogany desk and propped his dirty sneakers on its sleek surface, then smiled Hannah’s way.

Ryan’s brows drew together. “You’re gonna get crap all over my work.”

“Your work is crap.” Mitch grinned. “Wanna get a beer?”

A cold beer in a noisy bar where he couldn’t think sounded like heaven right about now.

“Sure, just let me get my stuff together.” He glanced toward Hannah, hoping to ease some of the tension still lingering in the air. “Hannah, you want to join us?”

“Tempting, but no. I have a date.”

“With who?” Mitch asked.

“Kevin Moreland.”

Ryan shot her an amused look. Kevin Moreland was doing a promo spot for one of their drugs. “Now who’s handling the models?”

“I am not the CEO of this company. No one notices what I do.”

Ryan slipped on his jacket, relieved her playful tone had returned.

“Besides,” she added, “Mitch has never gotten around to asking me out, so I have to settle for the young, hot models to fill my time.”

Mitch’s brows snapped together. “Hannah, sweetheart, I would ask you out, but you scare me. A woman in a suit intimidates me.”

She leaned close and ran a coral-tipped fingernail down the stubble on his cheek. “Power is a very sexy thing. You just never know what it’s going to do next.” She headed for the door. “I’ll call you next week, Ryan.”

“Hannah,” Ryan called. She looked back. “What type of car should I buy?”

A wide smile spread across her face. “How about a Jag?”

He thought about it a minute, then nodded. “Tell Christy to get me some brochures tomorrow.”

“I will.” The door snapped shut behind her.

“A Jag?” Mitch asked. “Dude, if you’re buying Jags, I’ll take one.”

“You’d take it into the mountains and coat it with mud. No way.”

Mitch chuckled as he pushed to his feet. “Chicks dig dirty guys.”

“In your dreams, mountain man.” Ryan reached for his jacket. “Where’s Julia? I thought she was with you this afternoon.”

“Mom and Dad took her to get ice cream. I wanted beer. I was outvoted.” He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans while Ryan moved around the room, gathering his things. “They’re leaving tomorrow morning and wanted to take her out for a little fun before they head back to Seattle.”

Ryan was all too aware they were leaving. He loved seeing his in-laws, but this week had been

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