Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,112

Ryan? You already did.”


“Mitch, this is ridiculous.”

Kate dropped blankets and a pillow on the couch. Calming waves tickled the shore in the moonlight outside her beach house, but the familiar sounds did nothing to settle the desolation in her heart. What she wanted was to be alone, to wallow in her misery. What she had was an overprotective brother who wasn’t giving her an ounce of space.

“Don’t even think about arguing with me on this one.” Laying a sheet over the couch, Mitch shot her a frown. “You’re not staying by yourself right now.”

Frustration curled through her. “I’m not a child. I can take care of myself.”

“Would you just stop arguing? You always were a pest when you set your mind to something.” He tossed the pillow at the end of the couch, fluffed a blanket over the cushions.

“Did Ryan send you over here?”

“He suggested it. And I’d have listened if I hadn’t already made plans to be here.”

She let out a frustrated groan. “I need to be alone right now.”

“No, you don’t.” He flopped onto the couch, toed off his shoes, leaned back against the armrest, and propped his feet on the cushions. “You need to be doing something to take your mind off Ryan. Making dinner for me would probably do it.”

Her eyes slid closed, and she tried to muster up the exasperation he deserved. But instead, a pathetic laugh bubbled through her. She pushed his feet out of the way and dropped onto the couch.

Mitch sat up with a grin, tossed his arm over her shoulder, and chuckled. “See, isn’t that better?”

As she dropped her head in her hands, the laughter turned to tears. Her chest tightened, the implication of what she’d done sweeping over her. Sobs wracked her body, and as hard as she tried, she couldn’t stop the dam from breaking. She wrapped her arms around her head in embarrassment, some tiny part of her vaguely aware she wasn’t alone.

“Oh, crap.” Mitch’s arms circled around her, pulling her tight against his chest. “It’s okay. Let it out.”

Her tears soaked into his blue T-shirt. She sniffled and tried to turn her head.

Mitch glanced down and waved a hand. “Go ahead. Use it as a tissue. It’s just a Cubs shirt. They suck this year.”

Gripping the soft cotton, she couldn’t help but chuckle through the tears. She fought for control, dragged air into her lungs, only to have the dam break all over again.

Mitch ran a hand down her hair. “You’re going to be okay. Cry it out.”

How could she hurt so bad after only a few weeks? A month ago, she hadn’t even known Ryan Harrison. Today, her world was tumbling down around her because she couldn’t have him.

And what hurt most was knowing that even with everything she’d been through, knowing all the lies, all the deceit, she still wanted him. She wanted his arms around her. Wanted his body lying next to her. Wanted that family she’d never expected, never let herself hope for. In a few short weeks, he’d changed everything for her. And she didn’t know if she’d ever be able to set it right again.

Somehow, she steadied herself. Pushed back from Mitch and drew in large gulps of air.

He brushed a tear from the corner of her eye. “You never were much for emotional outbursts.”

Sniffling, she ran a hand across her face. “I’m still not. I told you I wanted to be alone.”

“What can I do?” he asked softly.

“Nothing. There’s nothing anyone can do.”

“Kate, Ryan’s not a bad guy.”

“I know that. I don’t want you caught in the middle, Mitch. I know you love him.”

“I love you too.”

Tears welled inside again, and she covered her eyes with her hand. “I know,” she managed in a weak voice.

“Isn’t there any way you two can work this out? It’s obvious how much you love him.”

“I do. Too much. But sometimes love just isn’t enough.”

His frown tore at her.

She swiped at her face again, desperate to change the subject. “Speaking of relationships…” She sniffled. “Simone tried to fire me today. Said she couldn’t in good faith be my lawyer anymore because she’s sleeping with you.”

A cheeky smile spread across his face. “What did you tell her?”

“I told her she couldn’t fire me because I was the client. And when she argued I told her if she brought it up again, I’d convince you to break up with her.”

His smile widened. “And what did she say?”

“She backtracked rather quickly. I think she’s got the hots

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