Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,107

at the college and let me play on your computer. Or how you used to drag Daddy hiking with you in the mountains. He never liked that.”

Laughing, Kate glanced back down at the journal. Julia had saved it, all this time. She’d memorized the words, even though she probably didn’t understand what they meant. And today, she’d shared it. Emotions stirred in Kate. “Your dad’s kind of a city boy.”

A smile split Julia’s angelic face. “That’s just what Uncle Mitch says too.” Then her smile faded. “Maybe someday we could go hiking like we used to.”

Hope welled inside Kate’s soul. More than anything, she wanted to bridge the gap between them, but she didn’t want to do anything to make Julia pull back. This was a first step. A big step. So instead of reaching for her daughter and drawing her close like she wanted to do, she squeezed Julia’s ankle. “I’d like that, very much.”

The doorbell rang, and Julia looked up.

Kate pushed up from the floor. “You stay put, queen of the couch. I’ll get it.”

Two men dressed in suits stood on the other side of the door when Kate pulled it open. “Can I help you?” she asked.

The taller of the two pulled ID from his breast pocket. “Ma’am. I’m Detective Peterson. This is Detective Carson. SFPD. Are you Mrs. Harrison?”

Kate pushed the door open wider. Tingling fingers of dread tiptoed up her spine. “Actually, the name’s Alexander. What’s this about?”

His companion’s eyes narrowed. “I recognize you from the newspaper.”

“That’s right,” Detective Peterson said, recognition flickering over his face. “The press conference. You’re the woman without a past.”

Kate doubted they were here to chat about a picture in the paper. “What can I do for you?”

Detective Peterson flashed a smile. “We have a few questions about your accident the other day.”

The accident. Of course. Silly of her to be on edge so quickly. Stepping back, she gestured inside. “Won’t you come in?”

Shoes clicked behind her on the hardwood floor as the men followed Kate into the living room. Julia sat up from her spot on the couch. “Detectives, this is my daughter, Julia. Julia, these men have a few questions about the accident.”

Detective Peterson stepped closer to the couch. “Cool cast. They didn’t have nifty colors like that when I was a kid. You got lots of signatures on it?”

Julia shrugged. “Not yet.”

“Bet you’ll have it filled up before long.” He studied her battered face. “Looks like you got a little banged up. How are you feeling?”


Detective Carson flipped open a notebook. “Ms. Alexander, can you tell us where you went on Thursday?”

“I was here in the morning. Ryan, Julia, and I drove into the city. We parked in Ryan’s building garage. He went to work, and Julia and I walked downtown.”

“How long were you away from the vehicle?” he asked, jotting notes.

“I’m not sure. A few hours, maybe.”

“Did Mr. Harrison drive the vehicle after you left it in the garage?”

“I don’t believe so, no.”

He continued making notes. “Did Mr. Harrison know you were driving his car?”

“Yes. He knew I was going to take Julia to her softball practice when we were done, then come back and get him.”

“So he knew you’d be alone in the car?”

Her eyes narrowed. “Yes. What’s this about, Detective?”

Peterson stepped up next to Carson and smiled. “Just following up on some conflicting information. Are you living here, Ms. Alexander?”

Kate’s adrenaline jumped. “Not exactly. You obviously read about me in the paper. We’re taking some time getting to know each other again.”

“Of course you are,” Peterson said. “How would you classify your relationship with Mr. Harrison?”

“I don’t know that I would.” Nervous tension ran through Kate at the vague questions. “What does this have to do with my accident?”

“Are you aware Mr. Harrison’s insurance company is grumbling about his repaying the claim he collected after you supposedly died?” Carson asked.

Kate’s stomach clenched. “No. He didn’t mention it.”

“Probably didn’t want to worry you.” Peterson flashed that smile again. For some reason, it did nothing to calm Kate’s nerves.

“Do you know how much that claim was for, Ms. Alexander?” Carson asked. When she shook her head, he raised his brow. “A million dollars.”

Kate’s eyes widened before she checked the emotion.

“That’s a lot of money. Even for a man like Ryan Harrison. Especially five years ago.”

Bile rose in Kate’s throat. Knowing exactly where this was going, she turned toward Julia. “Honey, go upstairs.”

Julia rose from the couch. “Mom—”

Kate ushered her toward the stairs. “It’s okay. I’ll be

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