Wait for Me - By Elisabeth Naughton Page 0,103

the churning Pacific below.

Kate’s chest ached with a fierceness she didn’t expect. She wanted so badly to reach out to Julia, to comfort some of that raging anger, but she didn’t know how. Hearing the words from Julia’s lips reinforced all of Kate’s fears.

What would happen to Julia if this relationship didn’t work out? She couldn’t put Julia through that a second time. And what about Reed? He was falling for Ryan in a big way. If she moved in with Ryan like he wanted and then eventually left, it would kill Reed’s little spirit.

You don’t love him. You know you don’t.

That was the ultimate question, wasn’t it? She was wildly attracted to Ryan, felt deeply connected to him, but was that love?

What she felt for Ryan was stronger than anything she’d ever felt before. She knew that, could admit it. Her heart told her it was love, but her mind was left questioning her judgment. She’d been so wrong about Jake. She didn’t want to make another horrible mistake. Acting on an impulse would only make things worse. She had to be sure.

The car whipped around the next corner, faster than Kate realized. She eased her foot to the brake.

Nothing happened.

Confusion gripping her, she pressed down again. When the car still didn’t slow, she pumped the brake. Instead of slowing, they seemed to pick up speed down the hill.

Fear prickled Kate’s skin. She tried to keep her voice calm. “Julia, climb into the backseat. Put your seat belt on and—”


“Listen to me! The brakes aren’t working. Get in the back now! Snap your seat belt and hold on. Do it!”

Julia’s eyes grew wide. Without another word, she climbed into the back.

Kate’s mind tumbled as she recalled the road. Ahead were some curves followed by a downgrade, which would inevitably speed them up, and another curve followed by a steady incline with a curve at the top. If she could keep the car under control until they got to the slope, they had a chance.

She pulled on the emergency brake, but nothing happened. Her heart raced, and she glanced at the dash. A quarter of a tank of gas—it wouldn’t run out in time. She swallowed the fear. “Julia. My purse is in the backseat. Find my cell phone. Call nine-one-one.”

Julia fumbled with Kate’s purse. “Can’t you just turn the car off?”

“No. The steering will lock up if I do. I’m going to try to downshift. Hold on, it’s going to give us a jolt.”

She held the wheel with one hand and shifted the automatic transmission into third gear. Sweat trickled down her back, but the shift was smooth, slowing them only slightly. She was already into a curve, trying as hard as she could to keep the car on the road. She downshifted again when the road straightened. The car bucked slightly.

They slowed down a little, enough to make the next two turns, then hit the downgrade. Kate tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

Julia’s muffled voice drifted to the front of the car as she spoke to the nine-one-one operator in a panicked tone.

They weren’t going to die like this. Kate drew in courage. She wouldn’t let them.

The car picked up speed, whipped around the next curve. A muffled sob tore from Julia as her body slid against the side of the car. Kate downshifted one more time into first, sending them rocketing forward.

Her hands were wet with sweat when she made the next turn, and the car whipped across the road, tires skidding over gravel. Julia screamed. Kate’s muscles tensed, and she managed to straighten out the car. It slowed considerably. Optimism settled over Kate for the first time since realizing the brakes were out.

Then her eyes caught the last turn coming up.

Oh, shit. They weren’t going to make it. She glanced down to check their speed. They were still going too fast. She’d miscalculated the number of turns. They should be on the rise by now, but they weren’t.

The road veered off sharply to the left. Ahead and to the right, the cliff dropped thirty feet to a small bay. If she tried to make the turn, they’d roll. She knew it. They’d roll down the embankment and most likely die.

She had only a split second to make a decision.

Chapter Twenty

“Julia, hold on.”

Kate gunned the engine. The car sailed off the cliff toward the water. Julia screamed again in the backseat, and for one terrifying moment, it was as if they were flying.

The car hit the

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