Vowed (The Vampire Journals, #7) - Morgan Rice Page 0,72

then turning down and shooting beneath the earth.

It was an epic death, and it was clear to Sam that a huge force had just been extinguished in the universe.

At the same moment, as Sam watched, a part of the black spirit that had left Kyle’s body at death, suddenly rose up, and descended over him. Sam felt it covering him, creep into his bones and settle there. Sam vaguely remembered once being told that, when one kills someone of such evil, there was a danger of taking on his spirit. Of becoming as evil as him.

Despite his best efforts, Sam felt himself transforming, becoming something that he wasn’t.

Veins bulging from his neck, Sam felt that he was, inevitably, inextricably, being infused with a new, evil spirit. He felt that he was turning to the dark side. And as he leaned back and roared, he knew, he just knew, that there was no way he could ever turn back again.


Caitlin and Caleb flew through the late afternoon sky, heading north up the coast of Scotland, heading to Dunnottar Castle. Caitlin’s heart was pounding as they went. Here they were, just moments away from their final destination, from finding the fourth and final key, from finding the Holy Grail itself. She felt closer than she ever had to her father, felt as if he were just a stone’s throw away. She could, finally, feel her journey, her mission, coming to a close. She felt excited and relieved and nervous at the same time. Would he be there, waiting to greet her? Would he have the vampire shield waiting?

As Caitlin flew, holding Caleb’s hand, she reflected on their whirlwind journey through Scotland.

Dunvegan Castle, Skye, Eilean Donan, Rosslyn Chapel…She kept seeing in her mind’s eye that huge, ancient Bible in the crypts of Rosslyn, kept seeing the image of the shield as the two pages became one. The clue had been so well guarded and protected, each place offering just the smallest hint of where to go. But now it was all finally coming together, and Caitlin felt for certain that this was the final stop.

After hours of flying, the landscape finally changed, as they flew along the edge of the Scottish coast. And as they rounded a bend, a castle came into view, one that Caitlin knew could only be Dunnottar.

The site took Caitlin’s breath away. She had never seen anything like it: it was the most remote and picturesque castle she had ever seen. Built on the very edge of a cliff which dropped hundreds of feet straight down to the ocean, the castle sat proudly at the edge of a small, green island, soaring high up in the air, partially in the clouds, as if reaching for heaven itself. The small island, just big enough to hold the castle, was connected to the mainland only by a narrow strip of land. It was the most well defended site Caitlin had ever seen. Surrounded by steep cliffs and water on all sides, no one could dare approach it. The only other way in or out was a narrow strip of land connecting it to the mainland, a bottleneck, easily defendable, with sharp cliffs dropping off on either side.

Dunnottar castle itself was a beautiful, sprawling piece of architecture, with round parapets and a large, quadrangular inner courtyard. Partially hidden in mist, it looked like something out of one of Caitlin’s dreams. It was a mystical, magical place, and if there was anything powerful left to be found, clearly this was the place to find it.

Caitlin looked at Caleb, and could see he was equally impressed by the sight. They circled again and again, taking it all in from above, getting a bird’s eye view. No matter how many times she circled it, Caitlin was awestruck, from every angle.

As they tried flying closer, Caitlin felt an invisible shield keeping them at bay. Clearly, vampires could not fly directly into the castle, or even onto the island itself; they would have to land on the mainland, and walk across the narrow strip of land. This must be, Caitlin realized, a very well-defended vampire fortress. She only hoped that the vampires here were friendly.

Caitlin and Caleb landed at the base of the long strip of land leading to the island. Covered in slippery moss, freshly wet from the spray of ocean waves, and with steep cliffs falling off on either side, they held each other’s hands as they walked, careful not to slip. The

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