Vowed (The Vampire Journals, #7) - Morgan Rice Page 0,53

with Caleb. They were both thinking the same thing: Scarlet. When they embarked on their mission, what should they do with her? Of course, they couldn’t bring her. Anywhere they were going, there was sure to be danger. And it would also slow them down if they needed to fight. It would be much safer for her to stay here, in the safety of the castle, in the safety of this kingdom, with Polly and Sam, all of Aiden’s people, and all of the human warriors to watch over her. That was the responsible thing to do.

But Caitlin also didn’t like her dream. Was it a bad omen? Scarlet clearly had deep powers, too, and Scarlet’s dream did not give Caitlin the best feeling about leaving. Scarlet leaned back and stared into Caitlin’s eyes, and Caitlin had the uncanny feeling that she was reading her mind.

“You would never leave me, would you?” Scarlet asked.

Caitlin swallowed.

“We would never leave you,” Caleb began slowly, nervous. “You are our daughter, and we will be together forever, and nothing will ever change that. Do you understand?” Scarlet nodded, wiping away her tears, seeming to feel better.

“We will always be together,” Caitlin repeated, “but at the same time, sometimes Mommy and Daddy might need to go away for a few days. That doesn’t mean we won’t come back. We will always come back. But now is one of those times. We do need to go for just a few days—and then, I promise, we will be back.”

“NO!” Scarlet screamed, bursting into tears as she hugged Caitlin. “I KNEW you would say that! You can’t go! It’s just like my dream. And now you’re never going to come back!” Scarlet was hysterical, inconsolable, as she sobbed in Caitlin’s arms.

Caitlin turned and exchanged a look with Caleb. It was almost enough to give Caitlin pause, to make her wonder if they should change their plan, and bring Scarlet with them.

But Caleb, reading her mind, slowly shook his head, and she knew that he was right. They could not bring her with them. It would endanger them all. Caitlin sensed that wherever it was they were going, danger would not be far. After all, it was the final key they were after. The final key that would lead them to her father, the final key that would lead them to the ancient vampire shield. Who knew what adversaries might be awaiting them? It was hardly a mission suitable for a child.

Caitlin leaned back and looked Scarlet in the eyes, trying to get her to focus on her.

“I promise you, Scarlet,” Caitlin said, over her cries, “that nothing bad will ever happen to you.

Or to us. We will be back in just a few days. And then after that, we’ll be with you all the time. You have to trust me. Do you trust me?”

Scarlet blinked, wiping away her tears, and finally, reluctantly, she nodded.

Scarlet seemed to calm a bit. But Caitlin, on the other hand, was feeling increasing foreboding.

Indeed, for the first time in as long as she could remember, Caitlin wondered if they would, truly, make it back alive.


Sera awoke in the King’s chamber at the crack of dawn. She threw open her eyes, immediately remembering the night before, and turned and stared at McCleod, naked, in bed beside her.

The two of them lay under the covers, she in his arms, and he sound asleep. That did not surprise her. She had seen this before: when people were first turned, they often slept long and late—sometimes for days. And this had been an epic turning. They had been together all night long, and she had never met a more willing human victim.

Sera jumped out of bed in a single bound, needing to clear her head from the night before. The body warmth from the sheets immediately evaporated, leaving her cool in the November morning, and she grabbed a silk robe and put it on as she made her way to the windowsill. She looked out at the first crack of dawn, the blood red sun on the horizon, and felt it was a good omen. She contemplated her next move.

So far, all had gone according to plan: soon McCleod would be one of hers, of her kind, and he would be putty in her hands. He had vowed to do as she wished, and she would call in the vow.

Then, finally, they could execute their plan. Kyle and Rynd had been smart to come up

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