Vowed (The Vampire Journals, #7) - Morgan Rice Page 0,51

fence. This human was more confident, less impressionable, than the others. It was now or never.

She took a half step towards him, reached up and slowly let her open palm run down his chest.

“You’re not of my kind, are you?” he asked.

She slowly shook her head. “No,” she answered.

He stared for several more seconds, then finally, broke into a smile.

“Well, I guess I don’t see the harm in taking a break from the party for a little while,” he said, stepping forward and taking her arm. He turned and led her towards the castle.

Sera smiled as they walked, crossing the small foot bridge, over the moat, feeling victorious. As they approached the castle doors, the guards snapped to attention.

“What would you like to see first?” he asked, as they entered the grand hall, more guards snapping to attention.

She stopped and faced him boldly.

“Your bedchamber,” she said.

She could see his eyes open wide in surprise, as he stared back at her.

“You are bold, aren’t you?” he asked.

“As are you,” she responded.

He stared at her, then suddenly turned and continued walking, leading her down another corridor.

They headed up a staircase, down several more corridors, guards snapping to attention all along the way, then finally towards a set of huge double doors. Two guards held it open for him, and as they walked through, they shut it behind them.

The room was magnificent, enormous, replete with a huge four-poster bed, rugs, candle chandeliers, and a roaring fire inside a marble mantelpiece. McCleod strutted in, then turned and faced her.

He stared at her with seriousness.

“Who are you exactly?” he demanded. “What is it that you want from me?” Sera slowly raised her hand to his cheek.

“I want to give you something that you want,” she said.

He stared back.

“I want to help you join my race.”

McCleod’s eyes opened wide.

“Why would you do such a thing? I have asked every vampire to turn me. They all refuse. Why are you different?”

Sera smiled, as she looked down and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, taking off the huge furs from his shoulders. She was happy to see that, while cautious, he was not resisting.

“Because I want something in return,” she responded.

“And what is that?” he asked.

“I will tell you after I turn you. Whatever it is, you must vow to grant it to me.” He took a step back, and stared at her intently.

“You ask a high order,” he responded. “I have no idea what it is you will want. It could be anything. It could be my kingdom. How can I vow to grant something when I don’t even know what it is?”

She smiled back, prepared for this.

“Because what I’m going to give you is the greatest gift you could ever want. The gift of immortality. The gift of many lifetimes. You can lose a kingdom—that means nothing when you are immortal. You will have endless lifetimes to gain it back. Surely, you realize this yourself. Or else you would not want what we have? To be all-powerful. Is it worth honoring one small request?” She could see he was wavering.

She stepped in, slowly rubbed her hands on his shoulders and removed his shirt. She led him closer to the fireplace. This time, he did not refuse.

“A full-fledged vampire?” he asked, breathing heavily. “Immortality?” She leaned in, then placed her lips on his.

There was a brief moment when he paused, and she wasn’t sure if he would give in.

But then, suddenly, he kissed her back, with full force, filled with a passion she had never anticipated. He picked her up into her arms and carried her to the pile of furs by the fireplace, and as he did, she knew that this night would change everything.


Caitlin walked through a field of torches. It was night, and the field was ablaze, a thousand spots of light flickering in the wind, as she walked down a meandering path. She was wearing her long, white wedding gown, and beside her, holding her arm, was her father.

She looked over at him, and he was smiling back. They walked down an endlessly long wedding aisle—but in place of a crowd on either side of them were flaming torches. At the end of the aisle, Caitlin could see, in the far distance, stood Caleb, at the altar, waiting.

There were so many questions Caitlin wanted to ask her father, so many things she wanted to say to him. But she didn’t feel it was the right moment to speak, while he was walking her

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