Vowed (The Vampire Journals, #7) - Morgan Rice Page 0,43

the humans would water it down, call it “Halloween,” and turn it into a night of mere mischief.

But now, back in the 12th century, this day was still what it was meant to be: a time of true, demonic evil. Kyle knew that demons were granted permission to walk the earth on this night, and he felt them swirling all around him, lending him power, urging him to kill, to torture. He opened his arms wide, leaned his head back to the sky, and felt their power coursing through him.

All around him torches were being lit, as the sun sank, and Kyle felt as if he were standing in the midst of a huge fire. Rynd’s men danced in circles as someone began to beat on the drums. Kyle joined in the dancing, linking arms, swirling around and around and around, as they all, in unison, chanted ancient demonic melodies. Kyle could feel the energy and power building, escalating, more and more with each trip around the circle. He was descending into a trance-like state, and it was hypnotic.

As he entered his state, Kyle focused on summoning, from every far corner of the world, any and all dark powers that could aid his cause to kill Caitlin and Caleb. He visualized himself tearing Caitlin apart limb to limb, and he willed the universe to send him whatever assistance he needed. As the night grew thick, around and around he went, focusing, willing it to happen.

At some point in the night—Kyle didn’t know how much time had passed—he finally opened his eyes, and found himself looking up at the sky. He noticed a lone figure descending, aiming right for the circle. Kyle broke away from the others, heading towards it, wondering what the universe had sent him.

He couldn’t believe it. Standing there, facing him in the moonlight, was Sera. Kyle remembered her. She had been Caleb’s wife. Yes, Kyle remembered with a smile. He had killed her son, Jade. The thought of it brought back fond memories. Kyle could not figure out what she was doing here. Had she come for vengeance?

He was surprised to see her standing there, so fearless, so full of rage. She reminded him of himself.

She took several steps towards him, standing but a few feet away.

“I’ve come to help your cause,” Sera said.

Kyle looked back, skeptical.

“You and I share the same mission,” she continued. “To destroy Caitlin and Caleb. To tear apart their union. I felt your energy. It summoned me here. I want to join your cause. Use me as you will, to exact your revenge. I have nothing else left to live for.” Kyle couldn’t help but grin. As always, the universe had delivered to him exactly what he’d needed. Yes, he couldn’t ask for anything more. A person Caleb trusted. She would be the perfect vehicle.

“Had do I know it’s not a trick?” he asked. “After all, you were Caleb’s wife.” Sera sneered.

“I’m not his wife. I despise Caleb. I have no time to waste, and no interest in tricking you.” Kyle surveyed her. She seemed honest; yet, still, it could be an elaborate trap.

“You might be a double agent,” he responded. “Waiting to lure me in.” Sera seemed frustrated.

“How can I convince you?” she asked.

Kyle looked her over, and as he did, he suddenly admired her incredible physique. She was tall, nearly Kyle’s height, wearing a skin-tight, black leather outfit, and she was curvy, with an amazing body, rippling with muscles. With long red hair, flowing down her back, matched by glowing green eyes, she was, Kyle thought, stunning. It had been a long time since he’d felt this way about another vampire, but as he stood there, he felt desire well up within him.

He realized exactly what she could do.

Yet, at the same time, Kyle wasn’t stupid: he knew there was no possible way she could be attracted to him. With his missing eye, his burned face, his body covered with scars, he knew that he was grotesque looking to everyone. A monster. Especially to the female race. If Sera were willing to mate with him, that would prove it. Then he would know she was genuine.

And it would also give him the added satisfaction of mating with Caleb’s one-time wife. And with the mother of the boy he killed.

Kyle grinned, an evil, lopsided grin.

“You will sleep with me tonight,” he said. “During the festival, while the moon is at its height.

My energy shall be yours, and yours mine. Then I

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