Vowed (The Vampire Journals, #7) - Morgan Rice Page 0,35

the universe, with everything around her. She felt a soft breeze tickling her face, felt the flakes of snow on her cheek, listened deeply to the slightest sound the insects were making. She willed for herself to become one with the universe, willed for the universe to reveal to her were Scarlet might possibly be.

Caitlin stood there for she didn’t know how long, losing all sense of time and space.

And then suddenly, she had an insight.

She opened her eyes and scanned the horizon. There. In the distance. That clump of trees.

“There!” Caitlin suddenly yelled, pointing.

The others stopped, rose to their feet, and looked to where she was pointing.

“She’s in those woods,” Caitlin screamed again, then took off at a sprint.

Caleb and the others were right behind her, sprinting as fast as she.


As Caitlin burst into the woods, the sky darkening under the canopy of the foliage, she immediately sensed that something was wrong. She sensed it as a mother. It felt as if one of her own limbs had been severed. A chill ran up her spine as she burst deeper into the forest, filled with a sense of foreboding.

As she ran, she noticed a trail of torn flowers spread out, and as she looked more carefully, she saw they were spotted in blood. She felt a pit in her stomach, as her sense of foreboding deepened.

She did not even need to turn the corner to know what lay just around it. Every pore in her body screamed to her that something was terribly, irrevocably, wrong.

As she turned the corner, and saw the sight, she collapsed to her knees, and let out a wail of grief unlike any she had before.

There, on the forest trail, sprawled out before, covered in blood, was Scarlet. Her daughter.

And just feet away from her, covered in blood, lying on her side, whimpering and barely moving, was Ruth.

Caitlin saw blood everywhere, but it was all blurry, out of focus. Her world was spinning as she sank to her knees in the snow, in the soft forest floor, wailing over Scarlet’s little body. Caitlin was afraid to, but she turned Scarlet over anyway.

Caitlin’s grief deepened, if that were possible. Scarlet’s lifeless face stared back, her eyes opened, unblinking. Caitlin felt for a pulse, but there was none. She was dead.

Caitlin saw the deep bite marks in her throat, saw the blood all over her, and knew that she had met a horrific death, that there was no possible way anyone could have survived whatever attacked her. Caitlin leaned back and shrieked, her wail of grief rising up into the sky, just as Caleb, Polly, Taylor, and all the others hurried over and stood over her, staring down, gaping.

“Scarlet!” Caitlin cried, feeling she had nothing left to live for.

She reached down and picked her up, cradling in her arms, hugging her tight to her chest. Caitlin could feel her little body in her arms, and at that moment, she would give anything, anything, to bring her back.

“I would do anything!” Caitlin yelled up to the sky. “Do you hear me!?” she screamed out to the universe, like a mad woman. “Anything. I would give up anything to have Scarlet back again. I VOW! ANYTHING!”

Suddenly, a gale force wind ripped through the trees. The snow whipped around her, and the clouds shifted, letting in a ray of sunlight through the deep and dark wood. In the distance, on the forest trail, there appeared a lone figure, walking towards them.

Caitlin looked up, barely able to see with the tears in her eyes.


He walked slowly and gravely towards her, cloaked in his long robe and hood, leaning on his ancient staff as he went. In moments, he was standing over her.

Caitlin looked up with tearful eyes, hoping beyond hope that maybe, just maybe, there was something he could do.

But from his grave look, she didn’t take much hope.

“You must help us,” Caitlin pleaded. “Please. You must. You have to bring her back. You have to!”

Suddenly, Caitlin felt a squirming in her arms. She looked down and her heart stopped as she saw Scarlet, eyes now closed, flinch just the slightest bit. She held her breath, watching, hoping it would happen again.

It did. Scarlet was twisting and moving her arms. Caitlin’s heart soared, afraid to hope.

Could it be?

A moment later, as all the others crowded around, Scarlet suddenly opened her eyes. She stared right back at Caitlin.

“Mommy,” she said, her voice soft, “my neck hurts.”

Caitlin hugged Scarlet tightly, rocking her back

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