Vowed (The Vampire Journals, #7) - Morgan Rice Page 0,24

pounding, and as she did, he walked out to her. He reached out and took her hand, and accompanied her, leading her towards the entrance.

She knew, she just knew, that this was his castle.

A part of her wanted to turn and run; but she was helpless. She let him lead her, through the entrance, and as he did, the drawbridge slammed shut behind them, locking them in.

The castle was cavernous and dim, lit only by sporadic torchlight. She found herself being led up a marble, winding staircase, up and up, past an endless number of floors. He then led her down corridor after corridor, until finally, they reached a massive, arched door. She knew this was his room.

He reached up and opened the door and Caitlin, thinking of Caleb, wondering where he was, wanted to turn and run.

But as Blake took her hand, she found herself helpless to resist.

He picked her up and carried her in his arms into the room. His brown eyes blazed with the intensity that she remembered.

Slowly, gently, he laid her down on the biggest bed she had ever seen, onto the softest linens and pillows she had ever felt. He sat beside her, then leaned down, and gently kissed her on the lips.

Despite herself, she was helpless to resist.

Suddenly, there was a pounding on the door, a metal knocker slamming into the oak.

Caitlin’s heart stopped, as she knew that it was Caleb, coming to check on her.

“Caitlin!” screamed the voice from behind the door.

Caitlin tried to get up, but Blake held her in place. He lifted a single finger and placed it on her lips.

“Shhh,” he said.

The door banged again. “Caitlin!”

“Caitlin!” came a voice.

Caitlin woke with a start, sitting straight up in bed and breathing hard. Disoriented, she tried to figure out where she was.

She looked around and realized she was awake, in her room, in Dunvegan Castle, and that she lay alone in bed. She saw Scarlet lying on her daybed, Ruth in her arms, on the far side of the room.

She looked out the window and saw the sun rising, the day beginning to break.

She wasn’t in Blake’s castle; she wasn’t anywhere near Blake. It had all just been a dream. A terrifying dream. She felt a wave of relief; and yet, at the same time, it had felt so real. Even though it was just a dream, she felt terribly guilty, as if she had cheated on Caleb. She had to forcibly remind herself that it was just a dream. She had done nothing wrong.

She looked over at her empty bed, looked around the room and saw no sign of Caleb. Where was he?

Then she remembered. As part of the vampire wedding ritual, the bride and groom were supposed to sleep apart during the days leading up to the wedding.

The door banged again.

“Caitlin!” yelled an excited female voice.

Caitlin got up, put on a silk robe, and hurried for the door.

Ever since she had seen Blake at the festivities, it had been hard for her to get him out of her head. And that upset her. She loved Caleb now, and Caleb only. Yet still, Blake haunted the periphery of her consciousness. She wished she could erase him completely from her memory, out of loyalty to Caleb, but she just couldn’t.

After she had spotted him, and he had disappeared again, she’d asked the others about him, and was shocked to discover that Blake lived there, with the coven. Caitlin hadn’t expected that. The idea had never even crossed her mind—especially since she had not seen him with the others upon first entering Skye.

As Caitlin crossed the room and opened the double doors, still nervous, she half-expected to see Blake standing there, despite the female voice.

But luckily, it was Polly. She stood there excitedly, with a big smile on her face. She looked happier and more content than Caitlin had ever seen her.

“Will you get up already?” Polly exclaimed, strutting past her into the room. “We’re going to be late!”

As Caitlin took a deep breath, closed the doors, and followed Polly into her own room, she was beginning to feel relieved again. Polly always had a way of distracting her from her troubles.

“Late for what?” Caitlin asked, confused.

“Just for preparations for the biggest day of your life!” Polly said, exasperated. “It’s the final day before your wedding! Today, we need to prepare everything for the big ceremony. The flowers, your dress, the feast, the ceremony—”

Caitlin held up a hand, already overwhelmed. She could tell

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