Vowed (The Vampire Journals, #7) - Morgan Rice Page 0,21

merriment. But he also kept finding himself looking for Polly. He spotted her hovering around Caitlin, already exuberant in her role as Maid of Honor, even more excited than usual as she discussed wedding preparations. Sam had kept waiting for an opportunity to take her aside, but none seemed to present itself.

It was a rowdy and bustling crowd of hundreds of vampires and human warriors, and as the drinking and feasting went on, the merriment turned into an outright dancing party. More musicians came, the music grew louder, the drink stronger, and people paired up, dancing in old-fashioned ways, locking arms and spinning in one circle, then locking arms and spinning in another. Men grabbed each other by the shoulder, forming circles, spinning round and round, and women grabbed women. Then they all switched off, and men and women danced with each other. There were smaller circles and bigger circles, couples breaking off and dancing with each other…It was spontaneous and chaotic, and Sam had never had so much fun.

Sam went from dancing in a circle of twelve men, to dancing in a circle of eight men and women, to locking arms with a human warrior he didn’t know and spinning as fast as he could in one direction, then another. Partners were handed off to other partners, and Sam found himself dancing with nearly everyone in the field. At one point, he locked arms with Caitlin, and they danced in a circle, and both looked up, and laughed to see that they were dancing with each other. Sam was delighted to see her so happy. After that, he had danced with Caleb, and he’d felt happy, once again, that this would be his brother-in-law.

After several more dances, Sam found himself handed off and locking arms with someone else.

The second he locked arms, Sam felt an electric thrill run through his body, and he did not need to look up to see who it was. Every pore in his body told him.


Sam was almost nervous to look up and meet her eyes. He did slowly, and saw the most beautiful pair of blue eyes smiling back at him.

They spun around and around, first in one direction, then another, the music louder and louder.

But instead of letting go, and switching to a new partner, as he had done every few seconds throughout the day, he held onto her. He found that she held onto him, too. Despite all the people trying to cut in, neither of them changed partners, for several minutes, until the song finally ended.

There was a lull in the music, and as the crowd cheered, the two of them stood there, staring at each other. Sam found his eyes locked with hers, and neither of them seemed willing to look away.

Slowly, their smiles dropped, as their looks became more serious.

Sam felt he couldn’t let her drift off into the crowd and dance with someone else. He needed to be with her. To talk to her. He wasn’t sure exactly what he would say, but he did know that he didn’t want to be without her at his side.

As she stood there, looking at him, Sam fumbled for words. He knew that he wanted to take her away from here, from this boisterous crowd. To be alone with her. But he didn’t quite know what to say. He found himself nervous to ask her. What if she said no?

“Um…” Sam began, “do you think—do you—I mean—want to—I mean…” Sam looked down, embarrassed. Finally, he summoned the courage and looked back up.

Polly was looking at him with a confused expression, waiting.

“Would you like to take a walk with me?” Sam asked, feeling his cheeks blushing.

Polly slowly smiled, raising an eyebrow.

“Do you mean just the two of us? Alone?” she asked, playfully.

Sam felt his heart pounding. It was strange, but he felt as if he were meeting Polly for the first time. And he didn’t understand her hesitation. Was she just being playful? Or was she not interested?

“I mean—um—only if you want—I don’t want to—um—interrupt you or anything—” Polly smiled.

“Of course, I would love to,” she said.

Sam broke into a smile, incredibly relieved. He held out an arm, and as she linked arms with him, the two of them walked off, through the crowd. The music was starting up again, and the others were beginning a new dance.

But Sam barely heard the music, and he clutched her tightly as they walked through the crowd and into the open field, he hoped

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