Vowed (The Vampire Journals, #7) - Morgan Rice Page 0,17

feet, tied by rope to the branches. They swung slowly in the wind, and the sound of rope creaking on wood permeated the air. From the look of these corpses, it seemed they had been killed long ago; their skin was blue, there were telltale holes in their necks, and Kyle realized they had been fed upon, drained of blood.

Rynd’s work.

As the fog continued to part, Kyle spotted hundreds—no thousands—of bodies, all hanging. It was obvious that they’d all been kept alive for some time, tortured slowly for days. It was sadistic, malicious stuff.

Kyle admired it. It was something he himself would have done in his heyday.

Kyle knew that Rynd had to be very, very close.

Suddenly, out of the mist, there appeared a solitary figure, slowly approaching. Kyle squinted into the fog, trying to make out who it was.

And when he realized, his heart stopped.

It couldn’t be.

Standing there, before him, was his mother. His real mother, his human mother, before he was ever turned. It was the one person he loved most in the world, the one person who could recall what a kind person he had been before he’d been turned—and the one person who reminded him of his own humanity.

Kyle felt as if he’d been struck through the heart. Pangs of guilt and remorse tore him apart.

At the sight of her, he dropped to his knees, and wept.

“Mother!” Kyle yelled, weeping like a child.

She came closer to him, arms outstretched, a compassionate smile on her face.

Kyle could not comprehend what she was doing in this time and place. Had she come to ask him to repent?

“Come to me, my child,” she said, beckoning him.

Kyle rose to his feet, and took a step forward to her.

The second he did, he regretted it.

Suddenly, he felt his whole world turn upside down, as he went rocketing upwards into the air.

This was followed by a loud creaking noise, and as Kyle swung side to side, staring down at the ground, he realized he’d stepped into a trap.

The silver rope had tightened around his feet, had propelled him high into the air, twenty feet off the ground, dangling upside down. Kyle reached up to tear it off, but realized it was vampire-resistant material, one he could not tamper with.

He hung there, swinging upside down, infuriated. He was infuriated at being caught, and infuriated by his own stupidity. More than anything, he was infuriated that he had been tricked.

An evil laugh sounded in the distance.

Kyle recognized that laugh anywhere, as a chill ran up his spine. Rynd.

“So, the master comes home to roost,” Rynd growled, in his deep, gravelly voice.

Into Kyle’s line of vision, upside down, came an imposing vampire, flanked by dozens of other vampires. He was bigger and meaner and uglier than Kyle had ever remembered. He must have been a foot taller than Kyle, with huge, black empty eyes, gleaming fangs, and a square, pockmarked face.

He wore his thick black hair straight back on his head, braided tightly.

“You bastard,” Kyle spat. “You shapeshifted into my mother.”

“Oldest trick in the book,” Rynd spat. “Who doesn’t like his mother? Even a creature like you was bound to fall for it.”

“You’ll pay for that,” Kyle snarled, embarrassed.

Rynd laughed.

“You stupid old bastard. Clearly, the only one who will pay now is you. Did you come to say your goodbyes for good, before I kill you?”

“I’ve come to order you to do me a favor,” Kyle said.

Rynd laughed uproariously.

“Order me? You?”

He laughed again.

“I? Do you a favor?” he continued “The only favor I will do you is to put you far beneath the earth.”

This was not going as Kyle had hoped. He knew it was time to try a different track.

“I have something that can help you,” Kyle said.

“Nothing of yours can help me,” Rynd snapped, and his eyes suddenly glowered in fury. “I’m beyond being helped by you or anyone or anything. I’m much stronger than you now.”

“Set me down, and we can talk,” Kyle said.

“It’s too late for that,” Rynd said. “If I set you down, it will be only to lie with the worms.” Kyle’s heart stopped, as he heard the sickening sound of a silver sword being extracted from its scabbard. He watched as Rynd took several steps forward and raised it high. He began to swing, aiming for Kyle’s throat, and Kyle could see from the look in his eyes, that it was a look meant to kill.

And Kyle suddenly realized that these moments might just be his last.


The day

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