Voiceless - M. Sinclair Page 0,46

minutes before the driver’s door finally opened.

Instantly, my gut dropped. Don’t ask me why, but the man’s sharp eyes looked cruel as he approached our vehicle, making even Lena go silent. She rolled down the window as he motioned to do so, his serious nature making me uneasy. There was something off about this guy. I had no idea what but just his presence made me uncomfortable, which was odd since it was obvious he was very human.

“Afternoon ladies,” he said looking first at Lena and then at me, staring for a prolonged moment.

“How can we help you?” Lena asked promptly.

“Did you know that you were driving five miles above the speed limit back there?” he asked curiously, and I nearly rolled my eyes. Seriously?

“I am pretty sure that’s allowed,” Lena pointed out as my lip twitched.

He narrowed his eyes. “You two don’t look familiar, do you live in Galena?”

Lena sighed. “No. Willowdale Village. Sir, why exactly are we--”

“I am waiting for our back up so just calm down, Miss, before you say something that could get you in more trouble,” he snapped.

I frowned realizing he wasn’t in uniform, something I’d missed a moment ago. That was weird. Hell, we hadn’t even seen a badge.

“Back up.” Lena arched a brow. “For fucking what?”

I opened our connection, “He never showed us a badge, Lena.”

“Plus,” she pointed out, “how do we know you’re a cop, where is your badge?”

His face flushed red but before he could say anything the sound of another car had all of us looking at the road. A police car with Galena on the side pulled up. Immediately the man was jogging back to his car, and they took off, leaving both of us extremely confused.

“What the fuck was that?” my friend demanded.

I watched the new cop get out of his car and answered her. “I don’t know, but I have a feeling that wasn’t the last of it.”

I never got the chance to ask her what the secret she’d been planning on telling me was. Mostly because once we had been escorted back to Galena, we’d been questioned about knowing who was in the vehicle. The relief upon hearing my mates would be coming was instantaneous.

“The local cops didn’t mention anything?” he asked softly as I shook my head. “Hunter only told me once we got home but it’s just a possibility. They think it may be HAF, a hate group that sells and trades shifters. It stands for--”

“Humans Against Freaks,” I nodded softly as the familiar title filled me with disgust.

“Familiar with them?” Dylan’s face was filled with concern.

“Yeah,” I admitted, “there was a huge chapter in Pales, where I grew up. I am pretty positive that my parents had friends who were part of it.”

His eyes darkened, but before he could say anything, my phone chimed with a text. I sighed and turned towards the table, grabbing it and sliding the screen open, my heart squeezing in pain.

My mother.

Mother: We will be in Willowdale on Sunday, be ready to go back home.

My eyebrows rose. How the fuck did they know where I was?

Dylan made a worried noise while positioning me so he could look over my texts.

Me: I never told you where I was.

Mother: You don’t think we have ways to keep track of you? You have commitments, Colette. We made promises that can’t be broken.

Dylan growled. “Yeah, I don’t like that shit at all.”

I turned off my phone, placing it back on the table and frowned. “How did they find me?”

His eyes scanned my expression and then down to the phone. “Let’s keep that off for now. It won’t do much good now but it may help when they get closer. We need to tell Hunter about this…”

“I need to go for a run.” I inhaled, shaking my head and standing up. “I understand if you want to go talk to him first.”

He offered me a small smile. “Nah, baby, let’s go on a quick run, then I’ll tell him.”

Standing up, I tried to put my parents from my head, not wanting to dwell on something so damn negative.

Dylan intertwined his hand with mine as we made our way downstairs, my smile growing at the concept of the cool spring wind blowing through my fur.

I shrugged off my sweater, leaving me in a tank top and leggings as I prepared to shift.

“Where do you want to run to?” he asked while pulling off his shirt, my eyes trailing his abs.

I knew he didn’t need

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