vMayhem At Prescott High - C.M. Stunich Page 0,82

five letters, right?

There must be some mischievous goddess watching over me, making sure I really can handle five hot-blooded assholes.

“Don’t be selfish, Aaron,” Vic challenges from across my naked body. “You can’t have her clit all to yourself.”

“I’m surprised you even know what or where a clitoris is. Your thing is wham, bam, thank you, ma’am, isn’t it?” Aaron retorts, sliding down my body to put his lips where his fingers just were. Victor withdraws his own hand, leaving it up to Aaron to pleasure me between the thighs. But the look on Vic’s face promises he’d be just as happy to do damage elsewhere.

“Your little boyfriend sure does like to walk the line, doesn’t he?” Vic retorts, rolling away for a brief second to dig through the nightstand drawer. He returns with a bottle of unopened lube, twisting the top off and removing the seal. “Gift from Hael,” he grunts, and I swear, I’d smile if Aaron weren’t pumping his fingers into me and sucking on my clit at the same time. “But we don’t ever need this for that slick pussy of yours, now do we?”

“Shut up,” I groan, but I’m literally drowning in bliss here, so I suppose I can’t complain. Aaron is the angel on my shoulder; Victor is the devil. Having them at the same time is a fantasy I was certain could never come true. Yet … here we are.

Vic screws the top back onto the lube and then pours a generous amount across the pale mounds of my breasts. It takes me a second to try to figure out what his game is here. I should’ve just assumed it was something nasty, considering it’s Victor fucking Channing.

“Hold your tits for me, your majesty,” he quips as Aaron raises his head up just slightly to look at us.

“You’re not really going to do that, are you? How does that help her at all, you fucking prick?”

“It helps her plenty; visual stimulation,” Vic retorts, grabbing my hands and curling his inked ones over the top. He pushes my breasts together and then lets go, leaving me to hold them in place. And then he climbs over me, sliding his cock between my breasts.

Holy. Fuck.

Aaron curses Vic out from between my thighs, and I feel his body move as he readjusts himself, finding my opening with his cock at the same time that Victor begins to thrust. I bite my lip as his big body moves above me, the muscles in his taut belly contracting with each movement. He keeps himself propped up easily, his arms more than strong enough to hold his weight. And, as annoying as he is, as much as I both hate and love him at the same time, he’s right: it’s a visual fucking treat.

His cock plows between my breasts like he’s fucking me between the thighs at the same time that Aaron enters me. Sensations break through me like shooting stars, brightening the otherwise dark night sky that makes up my soul. It’s not the sex though; it’s the boys. It’s their very presence and their connection to me that makes everything feel so good, that makes the world seem brighter.

Once you find that connection with someone, it’s never just sex again after that, now is it?

I can feel Aaron’s hands on my thighs, keeping my legs apart as he moves deep and slow, juxtaposing himself with Vic’s hard, wild thrusts. Even their scents mix together, creating this dreamy euphoria of amber and rose, musk and sandalwood, sweat and sex.

“Jesus Christ, you have nice tits,” Victor murmurs, and I just lose it. His words are vulgar enough, but there’s heat behind them, want. He’s obsessed with me the same way I am with him, and it makes him just vulnerable enough that I want more. I lose the fight with my own body before either of the boys does, so twisted up in the pair of them that I can’t resist the climax when it takes hold of me, leaving me boneless and breathless.

My hands fall away from my breasts and Vic slows, looking down at me from between his arms.

“You aren’t done already, are you, Bernie?” he asks, sitting down beside me and taking his cock in his hand. He twists his fist around it like a corkscrew, groaning and cursing under his breath.

At least now I can see Aaron, panting and sweating between my legs. He very quickly covers my body with his own, sliding his tongue along

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