Vixen (Dark Protectors #11.5) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,9

eyebrows rose. “You sure have a way with words.”

She unlocked her vehicle, her body flaring to life at his honest response. “I was raised by a woman who called it like she saw it.” Sometimes the pain at losing Janet still took Tabi by surprise. Why did humans have to die? “Unless you’re going to give up my video, I suggest you head to work like your boss ordered you to do.”

Evan opened her door, his sexy scent of smoked honey wafting around. “I’ll give you the recording.”

She jolted and turned to face him directly. “What did you say?”

His blue eyes seemed darker than usual, deep with what looked like pain. “I’ll give you the recording. Come down to the station tomorrow morning for one more interview, and then I’ll take you to the bank myself.”

It was as if he knew she was going to blow town the second she got her hands on the video, even though her business was here. She bit her lip. If she got the footage, she could meet Abby at the factory and give her instructions before running. Man, she hated to run.

Evan smiled. “You’re sure thinking hard. Why don’t you tell me what’s really going on? I can protect you.”

Warmth flushed her. The man truly believed that. The only way he could come close would be if she—no. No way. She shouldn’t even think of that. Was it even possible? Did she want a mate?

“Tabitha? What’s barreling through your head?” As if unable to help himself, he reached out and smoothed a lock of hair away from her face.

Shocking electricity zapped beneath her skin.

His brows drew down. “Did you feel that?”

She nodded. “Why are you now willing to give me the recording?”

He sighed and looked across the vacant street. “I don’t like that the sheriff’s kid is in the anger-management group with you, considering you definitely injured his pride along with his body. Chances are, he’ll come after you. Since you’re planning to run, I thought to make it easy for you.” His gaze scouted the area, something he seemed to do often.

“Do you miss the service?” she asked softly, wanting to know more about him. Abby had told her that he’d served in the navy a while back.

He blinked. “Yeah.”

“Why did you leave?”

His gaze shuttered closed faster than a bank vault.

“I know you’re ill,” she said quietly.

He gripped his left hand with his right. “I hoped nobody had noticed the tremors.” Retreating instantly, he backed away. “Go home. I’ll follow to make sure that kid doesn’t mess with you tonight, and I’ll pick you up in the morning to take you to the station. After your interview, I’ll give you the video.”

Without waiting for an answer, he turned and strode down the sidewalk toward his Jeep.

Her face still tingled from his touch. Bemused, she slipped into her BMW and ignited the engine, driving down the quiet street. She’d been hidden most of her life, and it wasn’t like she had any close friends. After a quick mental debate, she dialed Abby’s number.

“Hi, Tabitha. Are we getting to work tomorrow?” Abby immediately answered, sounding happy. Very happy.

“Yes,” Tabi said. “Let’s meet at noon at the factory, okay?” She’d hired Abby as her assistant when the woman had needed a job, and Abby’s organizational skills had turned out to be phenomenal.

Abby chuckled. “A job that starts at noon. I love working for you.”

Tabi turned a corner, keeping track of Evan’s headlights behind her. “Can I ask you a question? It’s kind of personal.”

“Sure,” Abby said, her voice light. She’d once been an enhanced human, and her mating with Noah was still fresh. “Ask me anything.”

All right. Tabi took the next corner a little fast and forced herself to slow down, since a police officer was tailing her. Evan would probably give her a ticket. “When you mated Noah, or when he mated you, did you change a lot? I mean, did your personality change? Are you even done changing yet?” There was so much she didn’t know about matings, considering she’d been raised by a human.

Abby was quiet for a minute. “I’m not sure if I’m done changing, and I haven’t tried to heal myself of an injury yet. Other than that, I don’t think I’ve changed personalities or anything. Shouldn’t you know all of this stuff?”

Tabi winced. “I should, but I don’t.”

“Aren’t you like a couple hundred years old?” Abby whispered.

Tabi jerked upright, her foot pressing harder on the gas pedal. “No,” she Copyright 2016 - 2024