Vixen (Dark Protectors #11.5) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,22


Dage watched him. “Why is he so sketchy? If he agreed to mate, surely he understood the parameters.”

Tabi rocked back on her heels. “Well, he might not have truly understood the situation.”

Evan glanced at her, and her face turned a lovely pink. “You’re wrong. I most certainly understand what’s happening. You’re all in some weird cult, you drugged me, and you branded my hip,” he said.

The queen stood straighter. “Can I see?”

“No,” Evan snapped.

Dage pursed his lips. “Let me get this straight. First, we have an enhanced male human mated by a young demonness, and second, he doesn’t know about other species.”

Max looked them over. “I’d say this is a clusterfuck.”

Evan caught sight of the soldier’s left hand. “Is that pink fingernail polish with sparkles?”

Max growled and shoved his hand in his pocket. “I lost at darts. Don’t want to talk about it. Teenagers can be mean. Really, really, really mean.”

Evan caught his breath. They were all crazy.

Dage shoved both of his hands in his pockets. “All right. Let’s start small. Evan, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t shoot me.” He took off his glasses, and his eyes glowed an eerie silver.

“Nice contacts,” Evan said.

Dage smiled, and fangs dropped down from his mouth.

Evan swallowed. He reacted instantly, going tense.

Dage snarled and backed away. “Jesus. That’s some power. Everyone shield your minds.”

Tabi nodded vigorously. “I forgot that part. He could shield before I mated him, and he even shielded me from a demon mind attack. It appears he can attack, too. The guy is talented, I’m telling you.”

She actually sounded proud of him.

Evan’s ears rang. “I didn’t attack anybody’s mind. For Pete’s sakes, knock it off.” How did Dage get the fake fangs? Probably some sort of movie prop.

Dage apprised him, and those fake fangs went back into his mouth. How did he do that?

Evan looked at the so-called queen. “I suppose you have wild eyes and fangs, too?”

She tapped her fingers on her doctor bag. “Of course not. I’m an enhanced human. No fangs.” Her face lit and she jutted her head forward to stare at Tabi’s neck. “Did he bite you, too?” She turned toward Dage. “That’s interesting, right? Humans don’t usually bite. We need to find more records of enhanced human males—there’s so much we don’t know. Even you didn’t know there were any left.”

Dage frowned. “I’m sure I never thought about it. Although, now remembering, I believe they could often be a threat. Something about human nature being compounded into an immortal with the male of the species.”

Emma hummed. “Well, that might make sense. Enhanced females are probably more intelligent and adaptable than the male of the species. Any species.” The woman didn’t seem to be joking.

Dage stepped away from the queen. “It appears as if fangs and eyes aren’t going to do it for you in this case, Evan O’Connell. I’m a rather busy guy at the moment, with possible wars breaking out and all of that, so let’s get on with this. I guess you’d better shoot me. Aim for the shoulder or leg, would you?”

Max instantly stepped forward. “No. Shoot me.”

Fuck, these folks were nuts. Evan looked at Emma, hoping for some sort of rationality.

She stepped away. “Don’t shoot me. I mean, I heal as well, but I hate to get shot. It’s such a pain.”

Evan could feel the danger around him, but he’d never been a person who could shoot an unarmed man. He shook his head.

“For Pete’s sakes.” Tabi grabbed his gun, yanked it free, and shot Dage Kayrs three times in the left arm before Evan could stop her.

Chapter 9

Tabi’s mouth gaped open. “I shot the king,” she whispered. Who would’ve thought?

Dage gave her a look as blood poured from the three wounds. “Thanks for missing my head.”

Evan launched into motion, grabbing a pillow from the sofa. “Press this against the wounds, and I’ll call for an ambulance.” His voice was low and controlled as he no doubt fell back on training.

Dage sighed and pushed the pillow away. “Watch the wounds.”

“What?” Evan snapped, tension rolling from him.

“Watch,” Dage said, looking down at the bleeding holes in his arm. He sucked in air, and three bullets instantly plopped out of his flesh to fall onto the wooden floor. Then the holes mended shut. He wiped his arm off, leaving streaks of blood. “All good. See?”

Evan took a step back. “But…no way. No. That was a trick.”

“It was your gun, buddy.” The king used the word buddy? He looked at Tabi. “You know Copyright 2016 - 2024