Vixen (Dark Protectors #11.5) - Rebecca Zanetti Page 0,12

back. “I would fight it, but there’s no use. I’d have to quit soon, anyway.”

She reached out and put her hand over his. That electricity from the one kiss arched between them and she marveled at the feeling. Was it because he might be enhanced? Or maybe something was happening to her. Who knew. “Why?”

He opened his eyes, and the blue was fathomless. “I have Huntington’s Disease. The tremors and limb weakness started about six months ago, and if I’m anything like my dad, I’ll go downhill fast.” His lower lip lifted in a wry smile. “I’d hoped to last long enough to get you and Abby out of probation and town, but it looks like I’ll have to do so without my badge.”

Man, she wanted to cold-cock that sheriff. “I’ve never met anybody like you,” she admitted.

He grinned full-on this time, looking almost boyish. “A washed-up cop in a small town? We’re a dime a dozen, beautiful.” Now he sounded rueful.

She shook her head. “No. You try to save everybody, and you want to do the right thing. I bet you were a good soldier.”

He sighed. “I did my job, and it wasn’t pretty. I miss the teams, though. Got sick and had to leave.”

The teams? He’d been a Navy SEAL? Figured. “So you got this job?”

He nodded. “I served with the governor way back when, and he did me a solid. I like it here. It would’ve been a good place to settle down and raise kids.” He turned and pinned her with a look. “Now start driving and tell me what kind of trouble you’re in. I can fix it before…”

Before he died.

She started the car, her mind spinning. A lot of immortals mated for political reasons. She’d never thought much about mating or love or forever before. What she did know was that Evan O’Connell was a good man who belonged on this planet a lot more than many immortals did. “I can save you,” she whispered, turning and driving away from the station.

“Take the next left, and go for a while until Shavers Avenue turns into Fourth Street,” he said quietly. “Nobody can save me, sweetheart.”

She followed his directions, her hands shaking lightly on the wheel. Was she crazy to even think about this? “If you could live, possibly forever, what would you do?”

He rolled his neck. “Forever? I don’t know. First, I’d run for sheriff and turn this county around. Clean out the bastards screwing everything up. Then I’d settle down and have some kids. Then, who knows. Forever is a long time, and there’s probably a lot to do.” He chuckled. “What about you?”

She’d never really thought about helping other people. “I’d, ah, try to survive, I guess. And I’d start a lucrative business.” Which she’d already done, if she could just get the prototypes finished. Safety came from money, and she knew it. “You’re a better person than I am.” Than anybody she’d ever met.

He chuckled. “Honey, I’m not even close. I did things in the military that keep me up at night, but I’d do them again if I had to. You’re meeting me at the end of my life and end of my illness. At full strength, I would’ve probably already beat the crap out of the sheriff and his son. The judge, too.” He sighed. “I would’ve liked to have known you before all of this. Of course, you probably wouldn’t have liked me. I wasn’t so easygoing.”

Right. Even now, he was being sweet. “Do you believe in, well, things you can’t see?”

“Like germs?”

She coughed. “No. Like, I don’t know, vampires?”

His chin dropped to his chest. “Oh, honey. I was afraid of that. The weird Richard guy who convinced you he could hurt your mind. Are you in some sort of cult?”

Cult? She sucked in air. “No. I’m not easy to manipulate.” Wow. He had totally read her wrong. So he wasn’t exactly open to a different reality. If she told him she was a demonness, he’d probably try to take her to the psych ward. Something told her there wasn’t enough time for that. She tried a different tack. “If you had the chance to live forever, would you take it?” she asked.

“In a heartbeat,” he said quietly, running his wide hands down his jeans. “So long as I kept my soul.”

She swallowed, turning into the driveway of a small brick house set against a series of trees. “I hope you’re sure about that.” This was something she Copyright 2016 - 2024