Visions of Skyfire - By Regan Hastings Page 0,88

skin. She felt the hard, muscular planes of his sculpted body atop her and shivered in response. His erection was so close to her center. So near to entering her.

She lifted both legs, gripping the backs of her knees with her hands as she parted her thighs to his gaze. His eyes locked on her and she felt even hotter with him looking at her, naked and vulnerable to him. “Rune, I’ve been waiting. I can’t wait anymore.”

“Neither can I.” He lifted her hips off the bed, positioned himself and then drove deep inside her.

On that first, hard thrust, Teresa gasped in satisfaction. He filled her as completely as the moon magic had. She was overflowing with what he meant to her. What he could do to her. What he made her feel. He had saved her. He had always saved her. She felt it. And the connection between them burned even more brightly.

“Again. God, again.” She groaned the words and let go of her knees as he positioned her legs across his shoulders.

She was high off the bed now and she didn’t care. This way he could go even deeper inside. In this position, she could take him more completely within her than she ever had before and that was what she wanted. Needed. With a hunger that wouldn’t be satiated.

His powerful hips moved against her, claiming her over and over again. He went deep and then deeper still. He rocked into and out of her body like a man possessed and she shared that passion. She reached up, running her fingers across the branding tattoo that was burning into his flesh right before her eyes. She felt the sting on her own skin and knew that she too was being marked more indelibly.

Teresa grabbed hold of his upper arms, digging her fingernails into his skin to hold on tightly. He drove into her relentlessly, furiously. Tension peaked inside her, tightening, coiling into a spring that shivered on the edge of explosion, and still he pushed her.

She was hungry for it, wanted it all, needed it all. When he pulled her legs off his shoulders and then yanked her up to sit on his lap, Teresa went gladly. Now it was she who set the rhythm and she deliberately slowed it down, to torture both of them with the caress of skin against skin.

He kissed her, taking her mouth with his until she was left gasping for air that wouldn’t come. And while his tongue entwined with hers, he set his hands at her hips and moved her faster, quickening their pace.

She was panting now, staring into his eyes, feeling the sweep of release encroach ever faster and still it wasn’t enough. Suddenly he pulled free of her body, as if he’d heard her frantic thoughts. Tossing her onto the mattress, he flipped her over as he had once before and Teresa sighed, “Yes …”

Lifting her hips for his entrance, he pushed inside and Teresa held on to the headboard, bracing herself for each of his heavy strokes. She took him in and released him, feeding the need, feeding the fever clawing at her. Mystical energy pooled inside her, streamed from her body to his and as he reached beneath her to tweak and pull at her nipples, her body shattered.

She screamed his name, and shaking with the tremendous force of her release, she was barely aware of his own shout moments later as he emptied all that he was into her keeping.

Chapter 48

“I remembered,” she said, what felt like hours later.

Rune was dazzled by his witch, his body humming with completion and yet already hungering for more. Would he ever have enough of his mate? Would there ever be a time when he didn’t want her more than his next breath?

Shaking his head, he pulled out of his own thoughts and shifted on the pillow to look at her. “What?”

Teresa snaked one arm across his chest and he held her there, needing that connection. “I said I remembered. I did that moon spell and …” She blew out a breath. “It was like somebody opened a floodgate. Pictures, memories crashed into my mind and I couldn’t stand up to the onslaught. It was … terrifying.”

His hand tightened on her arm when she might have pulled away. This was what they had been waiting and hoping for. The return of her memories. Now she could tap the knowledge they would need to complete their journey of atonement.

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