The Virgin Who Ruined Lord Gray - Anna Bradley Page 0,89

his fingers with hers and drew her forward, turning her so her backside was against the edge of his desk. “May I offer you a drink? Some sherry, perhaps?”

Sophia cocked her head to the side, eyeing the ruby red liquor in his glass before taking it from his hand and sipping from it. “I prefer port.”

He laughed softly, his gaze darting to her mouth. He touched his thumb to her chin to raise her head, and leaned in to taste her lips. “I prefer port as well, particularly from your mouth.” He pressed his glass to her lips once more, tipping in another sip of port, his eyes gleaming as he looked down at her.

Sophia licked delicately at the corner of her lip, but when he let out a soft hiss and leaned toward her again, she pressed her hands to his chest. “You do remember why we’re here, Tristan? Let’s concentrate on the matter at hand.” She nodded to the window behind them.

“That would be easier if you weren’t wearing breeches.” Tristan ran his hand up her thigh and over her hip. “I can see your—”

“I beg your pardon, my lord, but your hand on my backside isn’t helping my concentration. Or yours, I’d wager.”

“On the contrary. I’m perfectly able to concentrate on your backside.”

A grin stole over Sophia’s lips. “Pay attention, will you? Has anyone left Lord Everly’s house this evening?”

He sighed, but he removed his hand and shoved both of them into his pockets. “Not yet. I only hope he has an engagement tonight. If he leaves, he’ll call his carriage and go through the front door. We’re not likely to miss him, but it will be far trickier to track Sharpe’s movements, as he might go out the servants’ entrance.”

“He may have already done so.” Sophia tapped her lip, thinking. “I’m not as concerned with Mr. Sharpe, however. He isn’t likely to be lurking about Lord Everly’s study.”

Tristan frowned. “It’s risky to assume that, Sophia. He could be anywhere on the ground floor, or in the kitchens.”

“We should be able to tell if anyone is in the kitchens from outside the door. We’ll wait until it’s dark and silent, then sneak inside.”

Tristan rested his forehead against hers for a quiet moment, then he drew her toward the window. “Watch for Everly.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on the top of her head. “As soon as he leaves, we’ll go.”

Midnight came and went, but there was no discernible activity from Lord Everly’s townhouse. Sophia grew more anxious as the moments slipped by, but at last a carriage emerged from the darkness, rattled down the street, and stopped in front of Lord Everly’s townhouse.

“About bloody time,” Tristan muttered. “I thought he’d never go.”

The door opened, and the light illuminated Lord Everly’s round figure as he hurried down the front steps. He climbed into the carriage, and it disappeared down Great Marlborough Street.

Tristan dropped a quick kiss on the top of Sophia’s head, then took her hand and led her from the library. Tribble had vanished, and none of Tristan’s other servants were about. No one saw them as they crossed the hallway toward the staircase leading to the lower floor, and within minutes they were standing in the mews outside of Lord Everly’s kitchen door.

They listened for a few moments, but it was silent on the other side, and no lights shone through the narrow crack underneath the door.

Sophia sucked in a breath, rested her fingers against the wood, and pushed. The breath rushed from her lungs when the door opened with a soft squeak. For all her brave talk about the carelessness of Everly’s servants, she couldn’t quite believe they hadn’t discovered the buckle under the door.

“This way.” Tristan guided her across the dim kitchen to the doorway Sophia had noticed that morning. It was a small alcove with a series of cupboards on one side and a narrow staircase on the other. They crept up one set of stairs, then peered around another door at the top of the landing.

“We’re under the main staircase, at the back of the entrance hall. The layout is similar to my townhouse.” Tristan tipped his chin toward a shadowy hallway on the other side of the entryway. “Everly’s study will be down there on the left.”

Sophia could hear the soft tread of footsteps above their heads. A servant, likely snuffing the candles, but it was impossible to tell whether they were coming down the Copyright 2016 - 2024