The Virgin Who Ruined Lord Gray - Anna Bradley Page 0,83

at the table across from Sophia. “Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? What the devil are you up to, wandering about the mews dressed as a milkmaid?”

Sophia pressed her lips together. “What makes you think I’m up to anything? Did it occur to you I might simply be delivering the milk?” It was, after all, the most logical explanation.

He leaned over the table, his gaze holding hers. “Not for one single, blessed second.”

* * * *

Tristan had never found it fascinating to watch a woman eat a biscuit before. He couldn’t have said whether watching Sophia Monmouth eat one was a truly fascinating event, or if he’d become so foolish over her, he was entranced with everything she did.

Lyndon would say it was the latter.

You’re besotted with her.

Tristan shrugged the thought aside. Besotted was a strong word. He was intrigued by her, yes, and he admired her spirit and bravery, but that wasn’t the same as—

“Mrs. Beeson’s quince preserves are delicious.” Sophia caught an errant drop of the sticky sweet on the tip of her thumb, then licked it off. “I’ve never tasted better, but if you repeat that to Mrs. Browning, I’ll deny I said it.”

Tristan swallowed, his stomach tightening with want. But then he’d never denied he wanted her. It would be rather difficult to deny it when a bit of jam on her thumb made his cock press eagerly against his falls, but desiring a lady and being besotted with her were two different—

“This cream is lovely, too. I daresay Mrs. Beeson doesn’t rely on Polly for her dairy. The milk sloshing about in that pail was filthy.” Sophia scooped up a spoonful of the cream, plopped it daintily on top of her biscuit, then bit into it. Her tongue darted out to lick a stray dollop of the cream from the corner of her lip.

Tristan suppressed a groan. Damn it, it would be far better for both of them if she kept her tongue in her mouth. He breathed a sigh of relief when she raised her cup to her lips for a sip of tea. Ah, that was much better. There was nothing seductive about a lady drinking a cup of tea—

“May I take another lump of sugar, Lord Gray? I have a shameful sweet tooth.” She grinned at him, her pink lips curving mischievously. “Cecilia scolds me for it, but as I’m sure you can imagine, it doesn’t do the least bit of good.”

Tristan stared at her lips, mesmerized. Good Lord, he could feel her smile all the way down to his toes.

“Is it wicked of me to be so stubborn in pursuit of my pleasures?” She sank her teeth into her plump bottom lip to stifle a laugh.

Tristan’s gaze lingered on her mouth.

“But then we’re all sad creatures when it comes to satisfying our cravings, and I daresay a bit of sugar is harmless enough.” Her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of his face. “Tristan? Whatever is the matter? You look flushed.”

Tristan had never launched himself over a table before. Earls didn’t scramble over tabletops, spilling the cream and sending teacups crashing to the floor. They didn’t lose control of themselves and behave like savages. It might be the only thing they had in common with Bow Street Runners. He wasn’t even fully aware he’d done it until he’d snatched Sophia into his arms, dragged her over his lap and taken her mouth with his.

His head spun as he teased his tongue between her lips, a helpless groan rising from his chest. Good Lord, but she was the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted. Sugar and tea, quince preserves and her own unique honey flavor, sweet on his tongue. God, he wanted to dive into her and stay there forever, to drown in her.

I am besotted with her.

Lyndon was right. Lyndon was always right, it seemed.

Tristan’s feelings for Sophia were tangled and confused still, but at the moment, he didn’t care. He cared only that he wanted her, and by the way she was sighing and trembling against him, he knew she wanted him, too.

“Why did you leave me this morning?” Tristan groaned, his mouth moving desperately down her neck, tasting her and dropping passionate kisses over her soft skin. “I woke wrapped up in sheets that still carried your scent, but you were gone.”

He couldn’t stop himself from taking her mouth again, stroking her cheekbones as he drew her toward him. He teased at the seam of her lips until Copyright 2016 - 2024