The Virgin Who Ruined Lord Gray - Anna Bradley Page 0,71

she meant those words. Perhaps he would, later, but now he needed to touch her. He took her face between his palms and stroked his thumbs over her cheekbones. “Sophia?”

She knew what he was asking, and parted her lips in invitation. He brushed his mouth over her lower lip to soothe her hurt, and tasted her blood on his tongue.

Chapter Fourteen

If their kiss earlier that day had been darkness, this one was pure, sweet light.

Tristan didn’t let himself think about whether he should be kissing her. He didn’t think about anything but the heady taste of her lips under his, her warm sighs in his mouth, the silky curls of her hair tickling his fingers.

He caught a loose lock of it and caressed the thick strands. “I’ve never felt anything so soft.”

Sophia twined her arms around his neck, sifting her fingers through the hair at the back of his head. “Softer than my lips?” she asked, a teasing glint in her eyes.

“There’s nothing in the world softer than your lips.” Tristan’s cheeks heated at the extravagant compliment. He wasn’t the sort of man who indulged in poetic ramblings about his lady’s lips, but then not every lady had lips like hers. He couldn’t stop his gaze from dropping once again to that sultry pout.

He ducked his head to take her mouth again, more insistently this time. He slid the tip of his tongue over the seam of her lips, then dragged his finger down her cheek to the corner of her mouth. “Open for me, Sophia,” he murmured, stroking the tender skin

She opened her mouth with a soft gasp and a low, hungry growl vibrated in Tristan’s chest. He sank into her damp, pink mouth, knowing as he did, he could only savor her for the briefest moment. It was like offering a starving man a single grape from a feast spread out before him.

I can’t make love to her…

She was in a vulnerable state, her body scraped and bruised. Only the worst sort of rake would take advantage of a lady who’d just been attacked. Tristan was no rake, but even so the warning drifted through his head, there and then gone again.

He couldn’t make himself release her. Not when she was so close, her sweetly parted lips a mere breath from his. He sank his hands into her hair and eased her head back so he could feast on her neck. He nibbled at her silky skin, chasing her flush of arousal to the hollow of her throat. Her pulse fluttered against his tongue, the skin there warm and faintly scented with honeysuckle, and he couldn’t stop himself from scoring it lightly with his teeth before skimming lower to drop kisses between her breasts.

She was so beautiful, her curves slight but perfect. As if in a daze, Tristan cupped one of her breasts in his hand and teased at her nipple with his thumb.

Sophia let out a breathless cry and he groaned at the needy sound, his mouth going dry. His gaze darted between her flushed face and the straining peak under his thumb, a desire unlike any he’d ever known curling hotly in his belly as she went boneless beneath his hands.

Tristan eased her onto her back on the sofa and lowered himself gently on top of her, nudging her legs wider to make a place for his hips. His cock twitched against his falls as he moved closer to her tantalizing heat, but he didn’t try and take it further than that—didn’t move his hips against hers or try and unfasten her breeches—but he did continue to stroke and tease her, brushing his thumb around her nipple again and again, his lips parting with his panting breaths.

She arched her back, offering herself to his roaming hands. “Tristan, please.”

God, it drove him mad to hear her breathless whimpers, to see her writhing for him. “I want to suckle you here.” He pinched her nipple gently, a groan tearing from his throat when her body shuddered against his. “Will you let me?”

Her only answer was to clutch at him. She twisted his shirt between her fingers, urging him closer until he was leaning over her, then she buried her hands in his hair and tugged his head down to her breasts.

Tristan groaned at the slight sting in his scalp, then groaned again as he closed his lips over the stiff peak. “So hard for me.” He dragged his tongue over the swollen tip until the fabric of her Copyright 2016 - 2024