A Violet Fire (Vampires in Avignon #1) - Kelsey Quick Page 0,9

silk dress; her number printed clear as day up on it. Unlike me, Savvy was born into this world with only a number for a name. And while most humans name themselves eventually, Savvy went nameless until I insisted I give her one, following the punishment episode. I finally came up with “Savvy”—the nickname of my favorite doll back in my home country.

Savvy’s beautiful figure, face, and dark brown hair has always been a distraction from her stunning personality. It was never a wonder why she was one of the more well-connected girls in our class, despite choosing to have me as company. She always smiled, and I never could figure out how she ended up that way… being born into this hell and still being so optimistic and likable, I mean. Because of her, I finally realized that never knowing or experiencing any better is the key to true happiness.

I’m nearly nose to nose with her before she realizes that it’s me.

“Wavorly!” she gasps, throwing her arms around me, and my day is suddenly so much brighter.

Savvy belongs to Hox Giomar, another of the elitist military leaders that rule the Stratocracy. In fact, all of the supply units admitted to Nightingale have to be represented by one of the five rulers to be accepted.

“What happened?” she whispers, turning away from her friend, Katarii, who pretty much snarls at me. She’s a real gem. Like the rest of our class, save Savvy, she took pleasure in slapping me that day.

“I was so close,” I say, fighting back tears of lost pride. “They caught me at the last second.”

Savvy grabs my shoulders. “What’s going to happen? Did they…” She trails off, looking around. Most supply units are expert eavesdroppers. She switches to French—our secret language that I taught her over the years in our spare time together. “...tell Lord Zein? Are you going to be able to leave before the Distribution?”

I respond in French, the nostalgia of the language warming me a little. “They told him, but he’s making the decision at the ceremony. There’s no way I’ll be able to make it out before then.”

“He could decide to keep you, still.” Savvy’s eyes light up a little.

“Yeah, right. My happiness is at an all-time low, so even my blood quality test is going to be a nightmare. I think not.”

Savvy makes a funny face and it’s so random that I chuckle.

“Maybe that will help the blood test,” she says, smiling sadly because we both know it won’t. She thinks a minute before speaking. “It is insane that Zein did nothing about it, again. I overheard Mrs. Mettingskew complaining about it. It seems most of our masters know your number now.”

“I don’t get what makes me so different... except that I have unique features, I guess?” I suggest, drawing on what Narref said back in the dungeon.

“He has been known for collecting humans based on their traits,” she confirms. Then she analyzes her body and picks at her fingernails. “I could be in the same boat. I hope Lord Giomar likes everything about me...”

I fight not to gag. I know pleasing her vampiric owner has always been Savvy’s sole desire, but it boils my blood. But I don’t let it show.

“C’est ridicule. What’s not to like? Quit it.” I say, offering what little assurance I can. “He’ll be enchanted, no questions asked.”

Savvy smiles.

Giomar, also known as the “ladies lieutenant,” is not as feared by the professors as Zein simply because he’s easy to deal with while handling blood supply issues, going so far as to donate them to the front lines or send them to Saya’s Breeding houses on the first offense. I guess that’s to be expected when you own a third of the school’s girls, and a few boys—it’s easy to find any one of them expendable. Zein, on the other hand, owns the least of all the slaves in the school. From what I understand, he usually accepts Nightingale’s will to punish out-of-line supply units, but then also enacts his own form of retribution upon the staff for interrupting his affairs. I suppose he’s too busy to concern himself with the likes of us, but I couldn’t care less.

“Attention, darlings. This way.”

Everyone simultaneously focuses on the garbage standing tall on the pedestal, Mettingskew.

“The Distribution will commence shortly. The dorm mothers have done well to primp you for your master’s liking. May our honorable council see the worth in all of you.” She then peers down at me and

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