Villain of Secrets (Verona Legacy #3) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,82

want you to come and stay with us.”

“No,” I said a little too hastily. “I mean, thank you, it’s very kind of you to offer. But I’m not going to run, Ari. I won’t do that.” I couldn’t explain it, but I didn’t want to leave. This was my home. It had taken me long enough to feel safe here after what happened before, so I’d be damned if I let some asshole out for revenge chase me off again.

“Nora, just think about it. It isn’t safe.”

“I’m probably in the safest place I can be right now. Antonio has an army of guys here. No one is going to come or go without them knowing about it.”

“When you put it like that… And Enzo is there, that makes me feel a lot better.”

“Actually,” I hesitated, “he left.”

“He did? But Nicco just spoke to him and he said something about breakfast.”

“He did?” Hope blossomed in my chest as I climbed out of bed. “Ari, I’m going to have to call you back.” I hung up, and quickly pulled on my avocuddle t-shirt.

He left… Enzo left.

Didn’t he?

But sure enough, when I opened the bedroom door, I found him cooking shirtless in my freaking kitchen.

Now I know I definitely died and went to heaven. I creeped up behind him, but Enzo sensed me, turning around right as I reached him. “Good morning,” I said around the biggest smile.

“Good morning.” His eyes dropped to my t-shirt, darting lower to my legs peeking out from under it. “While you eat your breakfast, I’m going to eat you.”

His dirty words hit me right in the stomach.

“How long have you been awake?” I asked.

“A while. I don’t sleep very well.”


He nodded, and I folded myself into his chest. Half of me expected him to pull away or reject me. But it was a morning of many surprises because Enzo wound his arms around my back and held me close.

“You stayed,” I whispered.

“Yeah, Gattina,” he looked down at me, eyes shining with possession. “I stayed.”

Chapter 25


I watched her talking and laughing with Matteo over pancakes. It felt fucking weird, but something had shifted last night. Something I couldn’t take back.

Something I didn’t want to take back.

The second I’d heard Maurice’s voice on the other end of the line, something had slammed into me. Fear that Nora was hurt. Fear that I’d never get to see her again, hold her again… kiss her again. It had ploughed through me like a wrecking ball.

It didn’t matter that she was at Luca’s, wearing his t-shirt and sleeping in his bed. Nora Abato was mine. Even when I hadn’t wanted her to be, she was under my skin and on my mind.

Fuck. Admitting that still felt strange. But I was done fighting it. My number one priority now was finding this motherfucker and making sure he didn’t come within an inch of Nora ever again.

The thought he’d been here, at her building, was enough to send me postal. I wanted to tear the fucker limb from limb.

“Are you going to stand there all morning?” Matt asked. “Or join us and eat?”

I pushed off the wall and went to them. Nora smiled up at me and my chest constricted. I guess this was what it felt like to be gone for a girl, all twisted up inside, wanting to make her happy, to see her smile, and soar… while wanting to shield her from anything and anyone who might try to hurt her.

“Are you sweating?” Matteo taunted and I flipped him off.

“It’s hot in here.”

“I hate to tell you, big guy,” Nora shuffled closer, laying her head on my arm, “but it’s not that warm.” Her soft laughter was like music to my fucking ears.

Jesus, I was turning into a pussy already. I inwardly groaned. Matteo caught my eye and smirked, but I saw no malice there, only understanding.

He’d known. The fucker had known for a while now, and he’d been right.

I’d just been too unwilling to accept it.

“These are really good,” Nora said, nibbling a pancake.

“You sound surprised, Gattina?” My brow quirked.

“A little.” Her cheeks pinked and she looked so fucking adorable. I wanted to pounce on her and kiss the shit out of her syrupy sweet lips.

“You think just because he’s a grumpy fucker with about as much charm as a cardboard cutout that he can’t cook?” Matteo chuckled. “Then you would be sorely mistaken. My mom used to teach us. Said the only thing an Italian man needed to know Copyright 2016 - 2024