Villain of Secrets (Verona Legacy #3) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,41

from him.

I smiled weakly. “Maybe another time.”

I hurried down the hall into the guest bedroom and gathered up my purse, shoes, and cell phone and slipped out of Luca’s apartment.

Last night had been fun… but something had changed between us. The invisible line between us blurring. I was attracted to him, that was a given. He was handsome, and sweet, and good.

But there was just one glaring issue.

He wasn’t Enzo.

“You should eat something,” Ari said, concern lacing her words.

“I’m fine.” I pushed the plate away from me and let out an exhausted sigh. “I’m just tired.”

And classes so far today had been killer.

“You’re burning the candle at both ends… you can’t—”

“It was one night, babe. One night. Besides, it’s freshman year. This is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. Next year is for the hard work. This year is for partying and finding yourself.”

“You did a pretty good job of finding yourself last night.”

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” I didn’t like the judgment in her tone.

Ari’s expression softened. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just worried about you. You’re all alone in the apartment. Luca is—”

“He’s good people, Ari. And he likes me. At least, I think he does. Is that so hard to believe?”

“Of course it isn’t.” She jerked back as if I’d slapped her. “Why would you even ask that?”

“I’m just grouchy.”

“You mean hungover.”

“Yeah, that too.” My eyes fluttered closed. “Is it so wrong I let my hair down for a night?”

“Not at all. I just hope you’re doing it for you and not to escape.”

My eyes snapped open. “Say what?”

“I know you Nora. I’m your best friend. What happened with Enzo—”

“I think that ship has sailed, babe. He left.”

He freaking left without uttering a word. I didn’t ever imagine I was the kind of girl who could make a guy like Enzo stay… but a goodbye? That wasn’t too much to ask.

“He did. And honestly, I want to say it’s a good thing. But I can see you’re hurting, and that makes you vulnerable.”

“If you’re worried about my honor, you needn’t be. I lost my v-card in high school and it was completely unmemorable.” I laughed, bitterly.

“Nora.” Ari didn’t join me. “I’m serious. Luca seems like a good guy. All I’m saying is if you jump into something with him, what happens when Enzo comes back?”

I suspected a whole lot of nothing. Whatever we had, or might have had, was gone. I saw it when he walked away from me at Arabella’s party.

“Can we talk about something else? This is hurting my head,” I grumbled.

“Here, take this.” She slung a box of pills across the table. Luis was watching us from his position at the doors leading in and out of the food court. Students came and went either not noticing him or accepting his presence without question. I guess that’s what happened when you went to school with a local celebrity.

But Arianne wasn’t a celebrity to me. She was my best friend. My ride or die. The only problem was, now she was Nicco’s ride or die too.

“Hey,” I said, shaking off my solemn mood. “Do you think the two of—”

“Ladies,” Matteo leaped over the back of the couch I was perched on and dropped down beside me. “What’s good for lunch?”

“You can have mine.” I pushed my plate toward him.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“Nothing,” Ari said, “she’s hungover.” Nicco sat down beside her and immediately pulled her into a passionate kiss.

“Do you have to do that in public?” Tristan, Arianne’s cousin, also joined us.

“She’s my wife, Capizola. If I want to kiss her, I—”

“Okay,” he snapped, “I’m sorry I asked. Hungover on a school day, Nor? How rebellious of you.” Tristan smirked and I flipped him off.

There had been a time, not so long ago, that I didn’t know what side Tristan stood on. He’d been best friends with Scott Fascini, the psychopath responsible for kidnapping me and going after Nicco and Arianne.

It was all water under the bridge now, but I saw the lingering tension between Nicco and Tristan. They had both taken on the role of her protector, and at one point, Tristan had tried to protect her from the one thing she’d needed more than anything.


“Countdown to graduation, Tris,” I said. “Are you ready?”

“Is anyone ever ready?” He shrugged, popping a fry into his mouth.

“You still determined to take off for a year and travel?”

“If Mom and Uncle Roberto get their way, I’ll be heading up a department at Capizola Copyright 2016 - 2024