Villain of Secrets (Verona Legacy #3) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,39

the soggy tissue paper at me. “I’ll speak to Zander. You stay cool, okay? We came to assist Zander. That’s all. I’m counting on you not to screw this up, kid.”

Without a word, I crossed the room and slipped outside. Zander was hovering in the hall. His eyes collided with me and he blanched.

“Problem?” My brow rose. I wasn’t afraid of these guys. They might have been older and wiser, but with the amount of anger and thirst for vengeance fueling me, I was deadlier.

“I don’t even know where to start.” His shady expression gave way to defeat. “This bar is my whole world.”

“Let the cops do their job and then we’ll send in someone to help you.” Because no matter how irritating or shady somebody was, we looked after our own.

“Have you checked in on all the girls? Did everyone get home okay?”

“I can’t get hold of Cait.” His eyes dropped to the cell in his hand.

“Cait?” I hadn’t heard that name in the last few days.

“She’s my… she’s one of my best girls. If you know what I’m saying.” His lip curved with wicked intent.

God, I fucking hated this asshole.

“You want me to go check on her?”

“You’d do that?”

I shrugged. “Beats being here when the cops show up.” Even if they sent over someone on our payroll, they still made me antsy.

“She lives on Jefferson Street, Park View Apartments. I just want to know she’s okay.”

My brows furrowed. “She someone to you?”

“Like I said, she’s one of my best girls, and I protect my interests.”

I bet you do. Sleazy motherfucker.

Growing up, once Nicco, Matteo, and I were given more responsibility in the Family, I’d always wondered why Uncle Toni aligned himself with guys like DiMarco. He was only out to line his own pocket. But Providence was Marchetti territory and it’s just how business went. Plus, guys like DiMarco collected enemies like I collected shiny new sharp-edged toys to play with.

“I’ll head over there and make sure she’s okay.”

Something flashed over his face, and his whole posture shifted. “Actually,” he scrubbed his jaw, “I’m sure she’s fine. I’ll call her ag—”

“It’s fine, I got it. I’ll call as soon as I get over there and check it out.” I regarded him for a second. DiMarco was usually the epitome of cool, calm, and collected, but he seemed a little ruffled and I couldn’t work out if it was because of the break-in… or because of Cait.

“What’s her full name?”

“Caitlin,” he let out a derisive sigh. “Caitlin O’Connell.”

“I’m on it. Tell Gino, I’ll be back soon.”

I didn’t wait for his reply, walking straight out of the bar and into the brisk morning air. Dragging in a deep lungful, I gave myself a second before checking my maps app on my cell and taking off in the direction of Caitlin’s apartment building.

Gino would probably kick my ass when I got back to DiMarco’s, but I needed air. I needed space to fucking think after seeing that message scrawled on the wall. It wasn’t done in blood, despite its red coloring. Fresh blood had this smell. A coppery metallic twang that permeated the air.

It was a smell you didn’t ever forget.

Pulling out a smoke, I lit it up and inhaled a deep hit. Everyone was right, I needed to kick this habit. It made my skin stink, and my lungs burn… but I needed the routine. I needed to keep myself distracted. Because in the moments of silence, when everything was still, the memory of that night threatened to pull me under so far, I wouldn’t ever make it back out in one piece.

I crossed the street and double checked the map. I was close. Caitlin lived around here somewhere. I’d been so desperate to get the fuck out of DiMarco’s it hadn’t occurred to me how odd it would seem, me turning up at a stranger’s door. But I only needed proof she was okay, then I could take a slow walk back to the bar.

Stepping up to the buzzer, I pressed her number and waited. When no one answered, I pressed it again.

Still nothing.

Some guy slipped out of the building, so I waited for him to pass and then stuck my hand out to catch the door, ducking inside. I took two steps at a time until I arrived outside her apartment. I knocked on the door and waited.

Finally, I heard shuffling on the other side, and the door cracked open. “Can I help you?”

It was dark inside, her Copyright 2016 - 2024