Villain of Secrets (Verona Legacy #3) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,25

it enjoyed a cut of the profits for letting Santiago and his guys operate out of Providence.

They had been the ones to hand over the rat when they’d gotten word that he’d been whispering Dominion business in a couple of guys ears. Guys no one recognized.


The rat hadn’t talked yet, and poor fucking Morello was lying in a hospital bed pissing through a tube.

“It could be nothing…” he said.

“Or it could be something.”

“Yeah.” Nicco let out a long sigh. “Just watch your back. Morello is a good guy, no enemies… an innocent.”

I knew what he was saying. As far as we were aware, his only vice was being on the Family’s books. An attack against him—random or otherwise—was an attack against us.

“Relax, I’ve got this.”

“Yeah, that’s what worries me.” He scoffed.

“Don’t you have husband duties to carry out?”

“Fuck you, cous, fuck you. One day some girl is gonna swoop in and knock you so hard on your ass you’re not going to know what’s hit you, and I’ll be there to enjoy every second.”

“I hate to disappoint you,” I said, “but you’re going to be waiting a long fucking time. I’m not cut out for that life.”

“We’ll see,” Nicco grumbled under his breath.

“I need to get back on the road.” I chose to ignore his comment. “I’ll text you when I meet up with Gino.”

“Make sure you do. I mean it, E. Just because you’re running with his crew now, doesn’t mean I don’t want to be kept in the loop.”

“Yeah, yeah, boss. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Stay safe.”

“You too.” I hung up, gunned the engine, and headed for the city, not stopping until I pulled up outside the address Uncle Toni had sent me.

It was some dive motel just outside the city, and Gino Lupo was leaning against the railing waiting for me.

“Enzo, my man,” he said as I climbed out of the car, “long time no see.” He approached me, thrusting out his hand.

I accepted it with a firm shake. “Gotta say, I wasn’t expecting this. Not after—”

“What’s the deal?” I cut him off. I didn’t want to shoot the shit or dredge up what happened with my father. Everyone who needed to know the truth, knew about Vincenzo Marchetti’s betrayal. And those that didn’t, knew about his untimely death thanks to an oncoming truck and bad driving conditions.

Either way, he was gone.


I didn’t want to keep talking about a ghost.

“We got some intel that some outsiders have been sniffing around. Cruze gave us a name. Dominic Alejandro.”

“Never heard of him.”

“Tommy did a little digging and Alejandro has ties to a Mexican cartel in Connecticut. Rumor on the street is he’s looking for somewhere to put down roots.”

Tommy Gabini was the Family’s investigator. There wasn’t a secret he couldn’t uncover, or a ruse he couldn’t foil. He was the best, and so compensated heavily for his work.

“You tell Toni all this?”

“Of course. Why do you think he asked us to stay put? He wants us to feel Dominic out, and if necessary, handle him. But enough of that.” He came around to my side and slung his arm around my shoulder. “Work can wait. Tonight, we induct you into our crew.”

My brows furrowed. “Should I be worried?”

“You like liquor and pussy?” Gino grinned, revealing his gold tooth.

“Does a bear shit in the woods?” My mouth quirked.

“You’re gonna fit right in, kid. Let’s go.”

I’d been here before. DiMarco’s was a high-end strip club in the city owned by an arrogant asshole called Zander DiMarco. After he and Nicco almost got into it once last summer, Uncle Toni had given Uncle Michele responsibility over it.

Zander might have been a sleazy asshole known for getting a little handsy with his girls, but his club was a nice earner, one the Family wasn’t prepared to lose. The décor was moody and seductive, crushed purple velvet curtains and a lot of chrome and glass. A runway jutted out from the stage, ending in the middle of the room where a pole was situated.

“Well, holy shit, Enzo Marchetti. Gino told me you’d be coming around.” Zander swaggered over to us in his crisp white shirt and black slacks. His collar was open at the chest revealing a big gold medallion, and his hair was slicked back in that way guys with too much money and too few morals tended to wear it.

The guy was a grade A asshole, but I wasn’t here to start anything. I was here to let off some steam before Copyright 2016 - 2024