Villain of Secrets (Verona Legacy #3) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,21

last time and I’ll get out of your hair.”

“Relax, I’m fine now.” I let out a weary sigh. “Can you keep a secret?”

“I’m a closed book.”

“I left because of a guy.”

“Ah, I see.” Sympathy shone in his eyes.

I don’t know why I’d told him that, but it felt good getting it off my chest.

“Do you want to talk about him?”

“Not really. But I lied to everyone at the party about why I was leaving, so it feels good to tell someone the truth.”

“Your secret’s safe with me.” A beat of silence followed as we both drank our beers. Then Luca said, “So, do you know them… the Marchetti?”

“Of course I know them, my best friend is married to one.”

“And is it true, what they say about them?”

“I don’t know, what do they say?”

His eyes crinkled with laughter. “I guess you’d have to kill me if you told me, huh?”

“Yup. So, I’d quit while you’re ahead.”

“I like you, Nora.” The second the words spilled from his lips, the blood drained from Luca’s face. “Shit, that came out all wrong. I just mean, it’s refreshing to meet someone—a female such as yourself—who can just kick back and shoot the shit.”

“Kick back and shoot the shit, huh? You make me sound like one of the guys.”

“No, that’s not what I mean at all. You just seem like a good person, Nora. Genuine. Funny… Gorgeous.”

“Recovery accepted.” I flashed him an amused smirk in an attempt to cover how off-guard he’d caught me. I wasn’t used to guys being so honest with their feelings.

There had been a couple of guys since I started MU. But they were just sex. Sex and some casual conversation. One guy, Dan, had potential. But in the end, he didn’t set my soul alight the way Enzo Marchetti did. So yeah, I’d had sex. Good sex, bad sex, unmemorable sex. But there had only ever been one guy I’d wanted.

Really wanted.

And he was determined to push me away.

Luca’s pocket began vibrating, cutting through the silence. “Hopefully that’s the super and I can get out of your hair.” He stood up and pulled out his cell. “Hello… yeah thanks, I’d appreciate it. Okay… See you in ten.” He hung up. “He’s on his way. I guess this is goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” I smiled, walking him to the door.

A strange sensation rolled through me as he slipped into the hall. It was nice talking to Luca. Easy, stimulating… nice. I didn’t get any flirty or interested vibes from him. Even when he’d called me gorgeous it had felt more like a genuine compliment than a pickup line.

“I owe you,” he said.

“You’re new to town, right? Maybe I can show you where they keep the good beer… or coffee…”

“Yeah, I’d like that. I’m not exactly inundated with friends right now.”


“Whoa,” guilt flashed in his eyes, “I clearly suck at making conversation tonight. I’d blame it on the beer, but that would only make me seem like a douchebag who can’t hold his alcohol.”

“It’s fine. We can do coffee one day… as friends.”

“You got it.” He clicked his fingers in a totally dorky way that had me laughing. “Night, Nora.”

“Night, Luca.”

He took off across the hall, glancing back at the last second. “And Nora?”


“Whoever you were running from tonight, he’s not worth it.”

I closed the door and dropped my head to it with a thud. Luca was right, I knew he was.

But my heart?

My foolish fickle heart still wanted to fix the guy with darkness in his soul and pain in his eyes.

And despite all my better judgment, she was in no hurry to stop.

I didn’t expect to see Ari the next day, but there she was standing on my doorstep with a tray of coffee and a brown paper bag from my favorite coffee shop.

“This is a surprise,” I said.

“Yeah, well, I felt like a bad friend after you left the party, so consider this a peace offering.” She followed me into the kitchen.

“Babe, I already told you, I get it. You’re married now. Things are going to change.” My smile faltered.

“That’s just it though. I don’t want them to change. I mean, I love Nicco. God, I love him so much.” A dreamy expression washed over her. “But I love you too. You’re my best friend.”

I snatched the brown paper bag open and pulled out a pastry. “And I’ll always be your best friend. Especially, if you keep bringing me treats like this.”

That earned me a small chuckle. “What really happened last night?”

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