Villain of Secrets (Verona Legacy #3) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,19

melted away, replaced with confusion.

“I told you not to touch me.”

“Yeah, but I thought you meant—”

I yanked her arms back over my head and stood up, ripping off the condom and tying a knot in the end. Slinging it in the trash, I tucked myself back into my jeans and started inching away from her.

“Enzo?” Nora had lost some of her conviction and when I finally looked at her, wearing my kisses… my mark, dread snaked through me.

This was a huge fucking mistake.

“Are you at least going to untie me?” Disappointment glittered in her eyes.

Without a word, I untied Nora, jammed the tie in my pocket, and then made for the door.

“That’s it, huh? That’s all I’m worth to you. Some rough sex in the storage room?”

“Don’t act like you didn’t know what this was,” I said coolly, my fingers trembling around the handle.

“You think I want more than you’re willing to give me. I don’t.” She let out a resigned sigh, her expression neutral. “But a little respect would have been nice.”

Even now, when I was being such an asshole, Nora managed to maintain her composure and grace.

She was a class act.

A strong, confident woman.

Who deserves so much better than you.

Nora ran a hand through her curls, taming them out of her face. Not once did she falter or glance away. She looked right into my eyes and demanded everything I couldn’t give her.




Fuck, what did I know about love?

I knew what I was supposed to feel, what I felt for my family and Dominion. I would take a bullet for my cousins, my aunties, and uncles. But I didn’t know how to love, not the way a woman like Nora deserved.

“I can’t do this,” I grumbled.

“Do what? What is it you think I’m asking you to do? You ghosted me, Enzo. I was there. I waited for you to find me, to explain… but you walked away.”

Shame burned through me like wildfire but there was no use dredging up the past. It had happened and although part of me felt like a total asshole for letting Nora find me in bed with that blonde, I knew it was for the best. She was getting too close, trying to soften my jagged edges, but a polished diamond was still sharp.

Nora had moved closer, her big doe eyes unwilling to let me escape. “You can talk to me…” She reached for me.

“Don’t.” It came out with such ferocity her hand fell away.

“I see.” Nora stepped back. “You should go,” she said quietly, her hand drifting to her collarbone.

“Yeah, I think you’re right.” I mentally imprinted the sight of her standing there to my memory. Who knew when I’d see her next. Once I started running for Gino’s crew, life wouldn’t be as smooth sailing as it was now. And Nora wasn’t someone who would give you chance after chance. If I walked away now, there was every chance she would shut me out of her life for good.

But it was better than pulling her into my world, my fucked-up life.

Nora was better off without me.

No matter how much she believed she wanted me.

Chapter 6


“There you are,” Ari said as she reached me. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

“Sorry, I’m feeling a little funny. I think I’m going to call it a night.”

“Already? But it’s still early.”

“Yeah,” I replied around a tight smile. “I’m not feeling too great.” The lie soured on my tongue, but she didn’t need to know what I’d done.

“Do you need me to come—”

“No, I’ll be fine.” I hugged her. “You stay, enjoy the party. I’ll call an Uber.”

“Don’t be silly, Luis will take you. He’s around here somewhere.”

He was. I’d spotted him standing watch at the main doors in and out of the room.

“Only if it’s okay,” I said, knowing she wouldn’t let it drop.

“Come on.” Ari took my hand and led me toward Luis.

“Mrs.—Arianne,” he corrected himself, “Miss Abato, what can I do for you?”

“Can you give Nora a ride home? She’s not feeling so good.”

“I’m okay, just a little queasy.”

“Of course.” He nodded. “I’ll have one of my men bring the car around front.”

“Thanks, Luis, and make sure she gets into her apartment safely.” Arianne shot me a bemused smile, and I rolled my eyes.

“I am quite capable of looking after myself.”

“I know.” She smiled. “But it would make me feel a whole lot better if I know Luis makes sure you’re okay.”

“What’s going on?” Matteo swaggered over to us, beer in hand and Copyright 2016 - 2024