The Villa of Dreams - Lucy Coleman Page 0,6

to be a drawback. I was being employed for my skills as an events manager and I was assigned an interpreter by the name of Antero Medeiros. Whenever he’s around, he pops in for a little chat, but, so far, we haven’t formally worked together as I haven’t needed to call upon his services.

Exhibitors at the gallery come from all around the world so virtually all the people I’ve dealt with have spoken a reasonable amount of English. Enough for me to conduct our meetings with ease, although it has left me wishing I were a seasoned linguist. Learning the language is a top priority for me this autumn.

‘Have we all had a chance to consider Senhorita Maddison’s proposals for our auspicious celebrations?’ Senhor Ferreira takes the lead. His voice is heavily accented, but easy to follow.

The others nod their heads.

‘And?’ He raises an eyebrow. I find myself holding my breath.

‘Impressive!’ Senhor Portelo states, staring down at the document in front of him. ‘Textiles are an area we have not yet explored. Maravilhoso!’

I’m delighted with wonderful. One down, two to go.

Senhora Veloso is next. ‘It is ambitious with the spectacle of a fashion show but an inspired idea! Well done. It has my vote, too.’

‘I am in total agreement,’ Senhor Ferreira confirms.

I’m shocked when they give a little round of applause to seal their endorsement and I feel my cheeks begin to glow.

‘You are setting yourself a tough timetable,’ he continues, ‘but we have no doubt about your ability to deliver. We have willing partners and our investors are looking forward to a most wondrous anniversary celebration. It is pleasing to see Portuguese photographer Rafael Osorio’s name here. Bringing together fashion, art and textiles is a stroke of genius, Seren. And your initial approaches have been received with interest?’

‘They have, Senhor Ferreira, all the potential contributors I’ve spoken to hold the gallery in the highest esteem.’

‘Excellent.’ His face breaks out into a warm smile. ‘We will leave this in your capable hands then and will look forward to our weekly updates.’

I walk away from the meeting fighting the urge to punch the air. Selecting the three key figures around which to build this project wasn’t easy, but the vision works on paper, and I can only hope and pray that when it comes to getting everyone to work together, there are no stumbling blocks. I have succeeded in gaining the confidence of my bosses, and now all I need to do is make it happen.

Heading back to my office, Antero approaches and the moment he spots me, his eyes instantly light up. Tall, dark and with a wicked smile, he offers his hand and we shake.

‘Good to see you, Seren. When are you going to enlist my help?’ he enquires in an admonishing tone.

He’s always on call if needed, but as a self-employed contractor he’s only around whenever his services are required. Usually, when a new display is being erected and Antero is instrumental in designing the multilingual signage.

‘Soon. The chaos is about to begin.’

‘Ah, chaos I understand. I look forward to it.’

I’m not sure he does understand. I have a feeling Antero is going to more than earn his fee once we get started.

‘If you can spare me ten minutes right now…’ I grind to a halt, waving to Carolina to attract her attention. ‘Are you free?’ I call out, as she strides towards us.

‘Yes. It was approved?’ she enquires, eagerly.

Both sets of eyes are now firmly on my face as I break out into a modest smile.

‘It was and it’s unanimous. Let’s head to my office and I will give you both a copy of the proposal and a quick overview.’

There’s the buzz of excitement between us and a little thrill courses through me as we come together as a team for the first time. On entering the office, I hand each of them a bound copy of the report, and while they settle themselves down, I walk around to the head of the desk.

‘I can’t believe what I am seeing,’ Antero declares as he stares down at the document in his hands.

‘Is this a fashion show at the Santuário Nacional do Cristo Rei?’

‘Yes, but that’s only one element of the celebrations. Good communication and a massive publishing campaign are going to be key in pulling this off.’

Carolina is leafing through the pages and I can see that her reaction mirrors that of the directors when they first received their copies. Surprise, no doubt, swiftly followed by the Copyright 2016 - 2024