The Villa of Dreams - Lucy Coleman Page 0,4

a huge deal and I could be way off the mark. I wanted to impress them and I know I can pull it off, but I wonder if they’ll think my plans are too ambitious.’

Judi stares straight into my eyes, giving me her no-nonsense look. ‘I’m sure you’ve got it right. As much as I hate the fact that you’re so far away, you’re not stifled any more, and I’m honestly thrilled for you. And has being around all that arty stuff inspired you?’

‘Maria’s seventeen-year-old grandson, Luis, helped me to set up a little workshop in the garden.’ I can’t help breaking out into a huge smile.

‘I knew that artistic streak of yours was still alive and kicking! Well, done, Seren. Freedom can be exhilarating when there is nothing, and no one, to hold you back.’

My father didn’t want me wasting time on things that didn’t further my career, but that need to create is a part of me. A part I’ve given too little attention for far too long.

‘Well, freedom also comes at a price and if I mess up at work the rent won’t get paid and my savings will begin to dwindle. Renting out my house in the UK keeps the mortgage ticking over and covers the cost of the management company, but that’s only a temporary solution.’

‘There really is no turning back for you, now?’

‘No. Anyway, keep everything crossed for me that my ideas are well received and that I can prove my worth.’

‘They’re crossed,’ she says, holding up a hand in front of the screen. ‘But you won’t need it as this job was made for you.’

‘And in return I’ll be sending calming thoughts your way. If this Alex guy unsettles you, just conjure up a mental image of him doing something ordinary. Like washing his hair in the shower. I’d say sitting on the toilet, but that’s an invasion of a person’s privacy. Even if it is just a mental image.’

She bursts out laughing. ‘Oh, my focus wouldn’t be on the bubbles in his hair, or the fact that he’s just like everyone else. He is simply gorgeous, intelligent, super-organised and… fascinating. Alex has this wonderfully intimate little smile. It gives me goosebumps.’

Goosebumps? What has gotten into her?

‘And you’re getting this from faraway glimpses of each other?’

‘Oh no, is that the time already? I’d better go or I’ll be late for work.’ Her words come tumbling out and I wonder whether she’s purposely cutting me off. ‘Thanks for listening and for the advice. Good luck and a virtual hug, Seren! Speak soon.’

Ping, she’s gone. I’m left shaking my head sadly. I can tell she still hasn’t made up her mind what to do about the promotion and I can only hope I said enough to tip her in the right direction.

That’s one of the disadvantages of being so far away. It’s too easy to avoid talking about the real issues and I don’t want to worry Judi, either. I am lonely at times and feeling a little isolated. A small fish in a huge pond and I’m anxious to make my mark. The big fear is that my father is right, and I think I’m more capable than I am. Was it his influence and money that backed up whatever skills and talent I have?

I groan. Why do you keep doing this to yourself, Seren? I ask myself. You are your own person, treading your own path. Own it, girl, and show the world what you’re made of.

I think it’s time to fire up the welding torch and work the metal. I can fit in an hour before I jump in the shower. The only monster in my world is the one I’m creating for myself. He’s shaping up to be a gloriously majestic marsh sandpiper of epic proportions, because I don’t do twee. I snapped him when I was walking along the banks of the Tagus estuary, and he’s going to be the first sculpture in my new collection.


Go Big, or Go Home

Walking into A Galeria das Almas – The Gallery of Souls – a thrill courses through my body, as it does every single time I step through the enormous glass doors. Everything is all about profit these days, but here the board of directors have a wider remit. Representing more than a dozen, wealthy investors, their aim is all-encompassing. From developing local talent, to liaising with artists from other countries – the focus is on thinking outside the box to surprise Copyright 2016 - 2024