Victory at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #5) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,184

and Constantine are walking around like they’re just another set of parents here to support their kid—or, really, most of the parents are here because they enjoy this delicate social dance of politicking and backstabbing and wealth flaunting.

Regardless, we finally get ourselves some plates and fan out in pairs to make our rounds. Cal and Hael visit their grandmother and mother respectively while Oscar and Aaron stop by the Peters’ table. Victor and I decide to visit Ms. Keating before we bother with Ophelia.

That bitch can wait.

“You came,” I say, sounding far more like a seventeen-year-old girl than I mean to.

Ms. Keating smiles, and I finally realize what her shirt says: Abolish the Electoral College. Aww, look, I’m not the only person who thinks politics aren’t just something to be left at the door when they involve human rights and dignities. Cute.

“I came,” she agrees, her hair twisted into small braids and decorated with tiny metal rings. “Bernadette, I can’t tell you how glad I am to see you here today. Didn’t I tell you that you’d make it?”

Vic grunts and digs his hands into the pockets of his robe, stepping away like he’s actually interested in the array of food on the nearby table. Really, he’s just giving me a minute which I appreciate.

“You did,” I agree, reluctantly, and with a bit of Prescott sass. “It wasn’t easy.”

“Nothing worth having ever is,” Ms. Keating agrees, echoing a similar thought I’ve had more than once in the past several months. I decide that if we really do make it to Vic’s inheritance, and she still wants to teach, we should bribe the local schoolboard to make Ms. Keating principal of Prescott High and give her a huge paygrade. We could do that, if we wanted. Havoc can do fucking anything. “And I appreciate you inviting me. I was sorry to hear about your mother.”

“I wasn’t,” I retort, and I don’t mean it to sound so bitter or so caustic, so I just sigh instead. “I hear you were sort of awesome during the shooting?” I make it into a question, but it isn’t really. When Sara Young told me about what Ms. Keating did, I believed it. I saw her stand up to Neil for me once. That took huge fucking ovaries, and I’ll forever be impressed.

“Not really,” she replies just as easily, downplaying her involvement. “But if you ever need someone to talk to about anything, you always have my number. Doesn’t matter if it’s tomorrow or in ten years, I’ll be here.”

“I appreciate that.” This time, my reply is much less sassy and when she offers me up a hug, I actually accept it.

“Now that, that was a fucking sight to see,” Vic murmurs as he takes my arm and we finally, begrudgingly, make our way over to Ophelia. Maxwell is nowhere to be seen, but I expected that. On our way up here, I noticed he was waiting outside, near the door that leads back down to the amphitheater. He didn’t even look at us as we passed by. Whether that’s because he didn’t recognize us, or he just didn’t care to acknowledge us, I have no idea.

“Victor,” Ophelia greets, giving him an air kiss on either cheek and then looking over at me like I’m the scum of the earth. Her dark eyes immediately latch onto the ring resting on my finger and her beautiful mouth tips slightly down at the corners. “I see the two of you are working diligently at maintaining Trinity’s impeccable standing in the community.”

“As always,” Vic agrees, leading with a sharp, tight smile of his own. “We wouldn’t want to do anything scandalous, like allow other students to see us mid-fuck in the school gymnasium.” One of Ophelia’s perfect eyebrows twitches, but that’s a lie. We never got caught mid-fuck in the gym, just once in the girls’ locker room and even then, only by Trinity at the end of the school day.

“Well, just so long as you continue with your legal marriage to Trinity,” Ophelia says in a voice with the distinctive undertone of a threat. “Just remember that Trinity and I are the only reasons Maxwell hasn’t slaughtered each and every one of you.” She taps her finger against the tip of Victor’s nose as he scowls.

Ophelia moves away then in a swish of red satin, leaving me and Victor behind. I let out a long breath, but he’s frowning already like something’s wrong.

“You okay?” I ask, but he Copyright 2016 - 2024