Victory at Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #5) - C.M. Stunich Page 0,160

Springfield. Otherwise, they’re on a private helicopter and leaving the area. For us to launch any sort of attack on either of them, we’d have to break into the house, or we’d have to find a way to follow them via the air.”

“Neither of which sounds at all feasible to me,” Victor butts in, taking the cigarette back when I offer it to him. Callum continues picking at his food while Hael taps his phone against his lips and Aaron watches me like the maiden in the fairy tale he so desperately wants to rescue, just after he realizes she’s turned into a knight.

“It’s not,” Oscar says, the edge of his lip lifting up in a slight sneer. “I’m struggling to figure out a way to safely go after either of them without getting ourselves killed. Even the best scenario has too high of a risk.”

“What if we accepted one of those invitations to Ophelia’s fancy dinners or parties?” I query, thinking aloud. Victor gets them all the time, these pretty pieces of paper delivered by couriers, inviting him to some rich person’s house or some fancy club, some highbrow art gallery or prestigious yacht.

We decline each and every single one of them.

“Even with the Trinity deal in place,” Victor begins, shaking his head and putting two fingers up to his temple. “Those are just death traps disguised in lace and leather and fancy watches. No, we won’t be going to any of those.”

“Where else are we going to get access to Ophelia?” I ask, because for some reason, she feels like the more pressing of our two big bad bosses. It’s because of Victor. That much I know, but I’m not going to say it aloud, tell my husband that his abuser is my most hated person in the world right now.

There’s a long pause as Hael’s phone rings, and he makes a face as he glances at the screen. It’s obvious without him having to say a single word that it’s Brittany fucking Burr.

“Hey,” he says, answering on the second ring. We’re still doing our best to keep Brittany happy, to keep the information flowing. Her prophesied raid on the GMP has yet to happen, and we need to know when and where it’s taking place. If we can get that information, then maybe we can actually come up with a plan.

None of us really believes that we’ll all survive to collect Victor’s inheritance without issue. Trinity is too much of a wildcard. Ophelia is too careful of a monster. And no matter what, I still bashed James Barrasso’s head in with a Yellowstone National Park souvenir.

“Oh shit,” Hael breathes, leaning forward and balancing his elbow on his knee. He chews on his thumbnail as he flicks his attention over to Vic, locking eyes with our leader. “Uh-huh.” Another pause. “Fuck.” He sits back up and then sighs dramatically. “Yeah, I said I’d come over this weekend. I can’t just leave in the middle of class for another doctor’s appointment. Sure, okay, whatever.”

Only, he totally would leave if I were the one having the baby. The thought springs to my mind unbidden, and I smile, even as Hael bristles with irritation.

He hangs up and grinds his teeth for a brief moment before shoving his phone into his pocket.

“Well?” Victor asks, giving him a look. “Spill it.”

“She’s such a bitch,” Hael murmurs, rubbing his hands over his face briefly before exhaling. “Okay, so, Brittany says she thinks the VGTF are going to raid the school.”

Victor goes very, very still before glancing over at Oscar. He turns back to Hael, leaning forward and tabling an elbow on his knee.

“This school?” he queries, and Hael gives a curt nod.

“On graduation day,” he continues, and a shiver takes over me.

Holy fuck. How … appropriate.

“Here,” Victor repeats, grinding his jaw for a moment as Aaron stands up from his seat, like he just can’t take the excitement anymore, and Callum finally puts down his fork. He used to not like to eat at Prescott High, so that everyone would see him as a monster. Here, everybody already does, so he’s let the habit of a Pepsi and a cigarette for lunch slip a little.

“If it’s happening here then Sara Young must’ve gotten all the information she needs to bust the pedo ring,” Aaron guesses, and I just know in the pit of my stomach that he’s right. There is no way in fuck that I dropped that information to the uptight VGTF agent Copyright 2016 - 2024