"Fort Dixon, but that's all of us. Blackie too. And we need an apartment big enough for the four of us."
"Thank Paddy. I'm goin' to get a good night's sleep for a change."
She hadn't realized just how much stress the fear of assassination had caused Ram until she saw his facial muscles relax. Yeah. It was a good plan. A good choice, everything considered.
"And, let's outline what would have to happen to make it possible for us to come back here and proceed to live life the way it should be lived. By ourselves. Speaking of which, I'm also not giving up the pleasure of a weekend at the cottage - just us - forever."
"Certainly. I'm no' unreasonable."
She smiled at him lovingly and indulgently. "Of course not. You're my hero."
Glen was giving Blackie a goodbye rough and tumble.
"Not in my living room," Elora said on her way past with her arms full of stuff the baby might need on the plane. She set the load down by the front door, looked around nervously, and pulled Glen aside looking like a woman with conspiracy on her mind. She spoke in a tone that was barely above a whisper. "I need you to do something for me on the down low."
"The down low?"
"Um. Yes. What do they call it here when you're off the record?"
"Off the record."
Elora let out a breath. "Okay. Off the record..."
"Which record are we off?"
"Let's start over. Between you and me..."
"Glen. Shut up." He chuckled. "You're messing with me, aren't you?" He grinned.
"Enough. Limited time here." He nodded.
"I need you to find out everything you can about the elf/fae war."
"Great Paddy, Glen."
"Okay. What exactly are you after?"
"How it started. See if you can find a reliable source - either a primary reference or an authority who knows for sure."
"You got it, boss."
"What has he got?" Ram came in carrying another load of stuff the baby might need on the plane, wearing his damn extra-sensitive elf ears.
"Just getting Glen to keep an eye on my puppies. Like we talked about."
Ram nodded, opened the front door, and started carrying Helm's busload of necessities to the Range Rover.
"Scary," Glen whispered to Elora.
"How easily you lied to him and how genuine it sounded."
"Yeah, well, keep that in mind if you ever get married."