A Very Venom Christmas - Kristine Allen Page 0,18

had me. I believed you for a minute,” I said as I wiped tears from my cheeks.

“You should, because you really are pregnant,” she insisted and handed me the paper with my test results. All the standard sexually transmitted infections were negative, but under the HCG row, there was a bold, all-caps PREGNANT.

“Holy shit.” I covered my mouth.

Everything else was a blur. All I was sure of was I had walked into my OB/GYN to get a new IUD and I’d left with an appointment slip and a due date.

Sitting in the small cab of my black truck, I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel. I stared at the entrance to DS Customs, wondering if I was making the right choice. It was either this, or I called Ms. Margaret and contacted Decker through her.

Not my first choice.

That’s why I was sitting outside the custom bike and car shop in town, preparing to go in to ask for the man who had fixed my light and picked up my car. I knew he was friends with Decker somehow.

“Well, here goes everything.” I pulled on my gloves and wrapped my scarf around my neck. Then I pulled the hat down over my ears. Texas had never gotten this cold. Ugh.

The wind was bitter, and the skies were overcast. There was a storm system moving in, and I prayed it wasn’t so bad that Mel would close down over the next few days, because I really needed the money now. I thought about seeing if he needed me to work tonight.

The bell over the door rang as I pushed it open and rushed inside, shivering.

It was a different guy at the counter this time. He looked up with a kind smile that seemed out of place on his tattooed, bulky frame. The dude was big and scary. Until he smiled.

“Can I help you?” he asked in a growly voice more fitting for a, oh, I don’t know, maybe a grizzly bear.

“I hope so. I’m looking for Mr. Snow.” I flashed what I hoped was a friendly smile, but I was pretty sure came off more like a grimace.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and his smile faded a bit. “And you are?”

“Loralei Barnes.”

“And this is regarding?”

“He, uh, did some work for me. And I bought my truck from him—well y’all,” I replied. My heart was damn near bursting out of my chest, I was so damn nervous.

His head cocked, and he grabbed a phone from the counter. “I’ll be right back.”

He cast a glance over his shoulder at me before he stepped into the shop area. I would’ve thought he’d be able to hear better in the reception area, but maybe he thought I was some psycho stalker. I didn’t think I looked like a stalker.

Deciding I might look more human if I wasn’t bundled up like the abominable snowman, I removed my hat, gloves, and untied my scarf. I tried to straighten my hair out, but it was full of static, and I finally gave up.

I was starting to get nervous when the door opened and a guy who looked around Decker’s age came in. His beard was fuller than Decker’s close-cropped one, but it was also a little salt and pepper.

“Ms. Barnes, is everything okay with the truck?” He had a curious but sort-of friendly look on his face, which was at least a little comforting. Nervously, I glanced to the big dude who came back with Mr. Snow.

“Soap, I’ve got this. You can go finish up with Reaper.”

The guys at that shop had the weirdest names.

The one named Soap nodded and went back into the shop area. Mr. Snow returned his attention to me.

“The truck is fine.” I clenched my fingers, then twisted them together. “I, uh, was hoping you might be able to get in touch with Decker Pruitt.”

At Decker’s name, his friendly smile dropped. He didn’t look angry as much as wary. “I would think you’d have his contact information. Weren’t you friends with his grandmother?”

“I, well, yes, but I need to speak to Decker.”

“And you can’t call Margaret, why?”

It was evident he was going to make this difficult. Dammit. “It’s delicate. I’d rather not involve her in this.”

He still hesitated, so I continued. “I don’t expect you to give me his phone number, but if you could contact him for me and ask him to call me, that would be great. It’s really very important. I’ll give you my number.”

I was damn near pleading.

“I’ll call him, but

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