Very Twisted Things (Briarwood Academy #3) - Ilsa Madden-Mills Page 0,55

and changed gears. “Okay, let’s hear more about how majestic this lion is. Was he as great as I am?”

I smiled and shook my head. “You are so full of shit, but as it happens, Hercules killed the lion and to commentate the victory, Zeus flung his body into the sky—hence the constellation.”

“Poor dude. At least everyone knows who he is.” He smiled. “Got anymore stories?”

“I’m not boring you?”

“You’re fascinating, V.” He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “This—this is the happiest I’ve been since I moved to LA.”

My heart stuttered at those words, but I pushed on, not commenting.

I nodded and went on to tell him about the other names of the stars I knew until finally I grew sleepy. He did too, his breathing in sync with mine as we held each other. Once he went to sleep, I gazed at him, my eyes tracing the lines of his face and memorizing them. I feared we’d never be this close again.

I sent one final glance up at the stars and rested my head on his shoulder.

We slept as the heavens watched.

HIS LONE FINGER traced a line from my shoulder blade down my spine, over the crest of my buttocks, and then back to my opposite shoulder blade. Slow and easy as if he had all the time in the world.

I kept the rise and fall of my chest steady and pretended to be asleep as he caressed me. He kissed the top of my shoulders, the puff of his warm breath followed by the gentleness of his nose as he inhaled my skin. Again, he outlined the shape, starting at the top, moving down the center of my back and then back up.

I shivered when I realized what he was writing. V.

His voice was gruff from sleep. Husky. Sexy. “You awake?”

My eyes blinked open just as the first peek of sunlight crested the trees on the hill in front of us. “It’s dawn,” I said, not masking the sadness in my voice.

He pulled on my shoulder, but I resisted, my heart still needing a minute to process that this had been a one-night thing.

“V, turn around.” His hand went to the curve of my hip and tugged. “Look at me.”

“No, I can’t. Not yet. I’m going to get up and find my clothes and go shower.” But I didn’t move.

A few beats of silence went by and then some rustling as he stood up. “If you won’t face me, then I’ll face you.” He walked around to my side and bent down to look at me.

I gasped. “Put some clothes on,” I hissed, darting a glance back at the cabin.

“It’s not even six. Spider is probably passed out, and Mila likes to sleep. We’re alone. Plus, you like looking at me.” He grinned and flexed a bicep.

There was that.

My eyes flared as he took my hand and pulled me up from the blanket. “What are you doing? I’m naked,” I said between my teeth chattering, and it wasn’t even that cold, but it was just him. Being this close to him. Loving him and now losing him.

“Our night isn’t over,” he said.

“I disagree.” I nodded at the obvious sunrise. “Even the birds are chirping.”

“Until I see the full sun with my eyes, it’s not over. We are not over.”

“Oh, so we’re just going to disregard the obvious fact that it is the next day?”

“You talk way too much, V.” And then he kissed me hard, his tongue exploring my mouth as his hands cupped my ass and pulled me against his already hard cock.

Like a magnet to steel, his lips devoured mine, eating me up, taking everything I had until I was breathless. But I didn’t need air. All I needed was him. His lips, his tongue, his teeth. I returned his fire, my hands clasped around his neck, hanging on.

“You. This. The sunrise. It’s fucking perfect,” he said gutturally as I went to my knees and took him in my mouth. He was too big to take in at once, so I worked him in gently, licking the sides, pressing kisses to his skin. My tongue dabbed at his head and sucked his length, stroking the shaft with my hands. I moaned against him, making him quiver.

“I don’t want to come like that, V. I want inside you.” He pulled me up and swept me up in his arms and carried me over to the swing and set me down on my feet.

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