Very Twisted Things (Briarwood Academy #3) - Ilsa Madden-Mills Page 0,30

I looked away, surprised by how much it hurt to see them together.

Phil walked up to the stand and clapped his hands. “Quit gawking at the celebrities with your mouth open.” He looked at me. “Are you ready to play?”

My chest tightened and my eyes bounced around. I landed on Sebastian. “There’s someone I have to say hello to first.”

“Who?” he and the hostess girl said at the same time.

“Ahhhhhh.” I nodded my head in Sebastian’s direction. “Guy at table eight?”

She grabbed her chest. “You-you know him?”

“He came over one night to go swimming. Saved a dog. Quoted Shakespeare to me.”

“OMG, you’re going to be so famous,” she exclaimed. “Please, get his autograph for me when you go over there. And Spider’s too.” She closed her eyes, in the throes of a star-gasm. “‘Superman’ was like the best song ever. In the video, they danced in these fur coats during a snowstorm on a rooftop … only at the end, you see, they take off the coats, and they’re wearing these tiny bikini briefs, you know like the Europeans wear, and you can tell they have big cocks—”

I held my hand up to stop the madness. “I get the picture.” I’d actually seen the famous video today when I’d googled them, but it had been their music that I’d noticed. It was wild and raw with lyrics straight from the heart. Toss in how gorgeous they were, and it was no wonder they’d hit it big.

Phil put his hand on my arm. “We don’t flirt with the guests.”

I shook him off. “It would be rude to ignore him—and he’s waving me over.” He totally wasn’t, but before I could change my mind, I grabbed the note pad the hostess thrust in my face and went for it.

Anything to get my mind off playing.

I made my way over to the VIP section.

Just say hi. That’s all. Don’t look at Bubbles and think about how you’d like to stick a fork in her eyeball.

I stopped at their table, my eyes widening when I saw Mila.

“Hey, you,” she said in surprise, a big smile on her face.

I filled in the gaps, remembering how she said she was a PR person.

“Your clients?” I asked, indicating Sebastian and Spider, and she nodded. Relief filled me because I liked her. A lot. But if she’d been seeing Sebastian, then I’m not so sure how I would have felt. Not sure why that mattered anyway, since he was obviously seeing Blair.

Spider looked from me to her. “You guys know each other?”

“We bonded over coffee and a mutual distrust of boob jobs,” she said on a giggle.

Sebastian crossed his arms, effectively dropping hands with Blair. His eyes darted over my shoulder, and I followed his gaze and found Phil’s angry face and the hostess girl’s look of rapture.

I sighed. “That’s my boss. He didn’t want me coming over.”

“You didn’t mention this is where you worked,” he said, a hint of accusation in his voice.

“She did to me,” Mila chimed in. “I can’t wait to hear her play the violin.”

I looked at Sebastian. “You didn’t mention you were coming here on a date,” I said.

Blair’s eyes were daggers as they raked over me. “Well as you can see, he is on a date.”

I ignored her and poked Spider in the arm and nodded my head at his drink. “You want me to come over tomorrow and make you another green drink? Don’t think I didn’t see you pour it out this morning before I left.”

He grinned and toasted me with his whiskey glass. “This is the best hangover remedy I need, but if you do come, I’ll make sure I have my pants on next time.” He chuckled. “I just can’t promise I’ll drink what you make.”

An older man sitting with them, who’d been studying me, spoke. “You must be the new neighbor Sebastian mentioned earlier.” He shook my hand. “I’m Harry Goldberg, their agent.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said warily. With stark white hair and beady eyes, he had a sharp look to him, as if there wasn’t much he missed.

Blair’s face was hard as she looked at me. “Don’t you work at the coffee shop in the Grant Plaza? The one with the low-fat Frappuccino’s everyone raves about?”

“No,” I said.

Her eyes turned into slits. “You sure? I could have sworn I’d seen you there.”

I smiled tightly. “I’m pretty sure of where I work. It’s here.”

I gave Sebastian a searching look. Why was he with her?

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